Onyx Popcorn's posts
Posted in Boredom chat thread for Popcorn
Posted 5 years ago
@Atropa Belladonna: Like no joke I'd take that right now, and I don't usually like beer.
Yeah, like barely though. The back room is the staff area, and it's actually 3 interconnecting rooms. So we have 3 rooms we can't use right now. "Oh we'll get it tomorrow morning." BRUH.
Yeah, like barely though. The back room is the staff area, and it's actually 3 interconnecting rooms. So we have 3 rooms we can't use right now. "Oh we'll get it tomorrow morning." BRUH.
Posted in Back after a couple months
Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: Awesome! Especially having an actual bathtub instead of a glorified wash bucket. We have one of those right now. I'd clean fish for a real bathtub, and I'm hella squeamish. And it's good that the living room has space for both living room and office. Sounds like a really good place!
Posted in Boredom chat thread for Popcorn
Posted 5 years ago
@Atropa Belladonna: Frond there is a heat wave here rn. It's in the 90s/30s. QAQ Thanks for the thought though!
Also the back room smells like hot garbage. Maintenance thinks it's a dead animal in the basement...
Also the back room smells like hot garbage. Maintenance thinks it's a dead animal in the basement...
Posted in Back after a couple months
Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: How do you like your new place so far? (I'm sure you've been asked that already, but eh.)
Posted in Boredom chat thread for Popcorn
Posted 5 years ago
@Atropa Belladonna: QAQ Preach frond
@vengeance: Yes kitties! Kitties are always and forever welcome!
@vengeance: Yes kitties! Kitties are always and forever welcome!
Posted in Back after a couple months
Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: Holy shenanigans I know. Even out here in the boonies it's impossible. A family member let me move in with them in exchange for work, which has been the biggest blessing ever. However, we're sick of each other.
Pink and black is my jam. Spoopy and skeletons are not, so I'm surprised when I find a skellie I like.
Pink and black is my jam. Spoopy and skeletons are not, so I'm surprised when I find a skellie I like.
Posted in Boredom chat thread for Popcorn
Posted 5 years ago
I guess this is my chat thread now? We're gonna roll with it
I'm so freaking bored man. Talk? Stuck at work for like another hour...
Thankfully they don't care if I'm on the computer since it makes it look like I'm working to people coming in the front.
But yeah. I'm in my email, a parade schedule, and two avatar sites and I'm still freakin' bored :vanora_cry:
I'm so freaking bored man. Talk? Stuck at work for like another hour...
Thankfully they don't care if I'm on the computer since it makes it look like I'm working to people coming in the front.
But yeah. I'm in my email, a parade schedule, and two avatar sites and I'm still freakin' bored :vanora_cry:
Posted in Back after a couple months
Posted 5 years ago
@Queen of Trash: 'Ey! Congrats on the new place! Hoping to move soon myself. Just gotta find a place I can afford...
Also your avatar is terrifying and I can't look at it more than 5 seconds and I love it.
Also your avatar is terrifying and I can't look at it more than 5 seconds and I love it.
Posted in The spam of my heart
Posted 5 years ago
Nullam ut blandit ex, non volutpat tellus. Nulla at mollis orci. Mauris malesuada, ipsum id condimentum euismod, nisl sem accumsan nulla, sagittis hendrerit arcu felis eu purus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus vitae nisl sem. Nulla tortor sem, tincidunt non congue a, tristique ut nulla. Vestibulum ultrices magna vehicula, lacinia orci id, consectetur nunc. Vivamus luctus ligula quis euismod scelerisque. Sed nisl massa, aliquet et dolor id, viverra sodales massa. Proin sed nunc ante. Vestibulum quis diam ac ligula viverra ullamcorper. Quisque vitae velit condimentum, condimentum lorem a, facilisis ligula. Sed volutpat risus non porta pulvinar. Curabitur vulputate ornare volutpat. Vestibulum porttitor faucibus ultrices. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Posted in The spam of my heart
Posted 5 years ago
Ut id tortor ac ex pretium mollis. Aliquam urna erat, fringilla ac felis eget, commodo laoreet massa. Vivamus hendrerit neque malesuada nisi aliquam, sit amet varius tortor rhoncus. Suspendisse feugiat, risus nec lobortis dapibus, ante ex commodo lectus, at interdum est erat non massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer eu cursus metus, ut ultrices dui. Donec volutpat ligula ligula, vitae hendrerit leo dapibus id.
Posted in The spam of my heart
Posted 5 years ago
Proin felis turpis, interdum id tincidunt ut, scelerisque vitae lacus. Nulla varius neque velit, tempor suscipit erat laoreet at. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vestibulum metus non odio convallis, vitae pretium odio fermentum. Nullam ut neque tellus. Sed convallis suscipit enim, mattis placerat tortor elementum sed. Donec ultrices malesuada metus sed pellentesque. Nulla non mi at est rhoncus malesuada. Nunc sed aliquam tortor. Fusce nulla velit, egestas sit amet elementum vitae, sodales quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Posted in The spam of my heart
Posted 5 years ago
Sed fringilla dui congue velit mattis, quis pharetra ligula placerat. Quisque eleifend sem ut sem interdum, quis facilisis lacus semper. Proin in posuere leo. Morbi eros ante, sollicitudin pharetra condimentum a, fermentum at lectus. Aliquam venenatis a sapien in elementum. Suspendisse sit amet augue dolor. Integer blandit vehicula pharetra. Praesent ultricies hendrerit mi ac tempus.
Posted in The spam of my heart
Posted 5 years ago
Sed nisl mi, semper mattis ex vel, ornare consequat diam. Nullam fermentum ante at sapien consectetur porta. Praesent sit amet consectetur quam, gravida varius eros. Cras orci tortor, pharetra et risus sed, aliquam scelerisque quam. Praesent pharetra vehicula nisl vel semper. Nunc eu nunc vel nisl faucibus porta. Sed bibendum efficitur erat nec posuere. Proin molestie, libero sit amet faucibus pretium, elit mi aliquet felis, eu volutpat augue libero rutrum orci. Nam sagittis ante in purus gravida rhoncus. Aenean et imperdiet tellus, sit amet fermentum nulla. Donec mattis leo enim, sit amet sagittis dolor venenatis iaculis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec et euismod augue. Integer purus magna, molestie vitae arcu id, sollicitudin ullamcorper turpis. Etiam et nisl ullamcorper nibh dignissim vehicula ut sed velit.
Posted in The spam of my heart
Posted 5 years ago
Duis eu facilisis turpis. Nulla tincidunt risus et pulvinar elementum. Praesent ultrices tempus nisl eu mollis. Proin placerat, magna sit amet semper blandit, odio felis lobortis lectus, et vestibulum quam massa sit amet mi. Fusce ligula nisl, tempor vitae ipsum et, imperdiet pretium felis. Donec ac risus lorem. Mauris porttitor eros sed convallis pretium. Proin blandit nunc et justo ornare maximus eget consequat nisl. Integer efficitur accumsan ex eget eleifend. Donec iaculis, augue a dapibus condimentum, ligula quam dapibus nibh, ac pharetra tortor nisi ut ligula. Donec a egestas sem. Donec vestibulum iaculis libero, sit amet vehicula ligula convallis eget. Cras vel vehicula justo. Proin auctor est quam, semper pretium nunc viverra eget. Phasellus libero nisi, egestas vel luctus vitae, egestas ut est.