Ouja Akuma's posts
Posted in Doll Collectors Unite!!
Posted 4 years ago
No body knows what happened to DoD. They were one of the best companies next to Soom! It was devastating.
No body knows what happened to DoD. They were one of the best companies next to Soom! It was devastating.

Posted in Mirrored Expression: Art Contest
Posted 4 years ago
I got my submission right here!

Posted in into the night | a hang
Posted 4 years ago
@Deaa: I don't read as much as I used to. I find more joy in thinking up my own stories (but never writing them lol).
I have my 2nd novella in the works. They're fun to write because I don't have to make such long stories.
I got them printed to sell when the world stopped ending but womp. All my 2021 shows cancelled.
I have my 2nd novella in the works. They're fun to write because I don't have to make such long stories.
I got them printed to sell when the world stopped ending but womp. All my 2021 shows cancelled.

Posted in Chapter Eight: The White King
Posted 4 years ago
Please tell me I wasn't the only one trying to submit everything in reversed letters the first time lmao

Posted in Chapter Seven: The Unicorn
Posted 4 years ago
It took me two tries. I found that throwing rocks and healing/home sicking works the best.

Posted in Doll Collectors Unite!!
Posted 4 years ago
@GoblinsAndTea: Tbh 5sd is a good company to get yourself started in the hobby without worrying about high price tags. Tumnus new was $250 and he's an SD. My Ender was $1K because it was the full set and he appreciated due to it being a limited doll. My wallet...it hurt.
I want to reshell Tumnus into something from Crobidoll or Angel Studio. I have to poke around again. Or I may do a hybrid. I really wanted the Tender Too twins from Dream of Doll and was so close to buying it but then the company vanished. I was so heartbroken. T_T
I want to reshell Tumnus into something from Crobidoll or Angel Studio. I have to poke around again. Or I may do a hybrid. I really wanted the Tender Too twins from Dream of Doll and was so close to buying it but then the company vanished. I was so heartbroken. T_T

Posted in Discovering Voltra
Posted 4 years ago
I heard about this site from my long time fav community on Menewsha. That site has long since been abandoned by the founder that it's just going to sit and rot until the domain expires in a few years. It's unfortunate, I really loved that community.
I am also on Gaia, been there since 06 and I will be there when the ship finally sinks. I met some wonderful people there and I like the art shops the most so I just stick around.
I really like Voltra's community a lot, it's so friendly and I enjoy seeing the events (this current event has been one of my favorite events on a forum site since Gaia's water balloon fight, I'm SO impressed).
I'm also on Dappervolk, I just joined actually and I'm digging the story of it. But I see that more as a game rather than a forum like this. The art is so so so so pretty tho like...mmm goals.
Hopefully you enjoy it here! The mods seem really in tune with the members and I love how they collaborate with us on items. It's really nice. I hope to be here for awhile c:
I am also on Gaia, been there since 06 and I will be there when the ship finally sinks. I met some wonderful people there and I like the art shops the most so I just stick around.
I really like Voltra's community a lot, it's so friendly and I enjoy seeing the events (this current event has been one of my favorite events on a forum site since Gaia's water balloon fight, I'm SO impressed).
I'm also on Dappervolk, I just joined actually and I'm digging the story of it. But I see that more as a game rather than a forum like this. The art is so so so so pretty tho like...mmm goals.
Hopefully you enjoy it here! The mods seem really in tune with the members and I love how they collaborate with us on items. It's really nice. I hope to be here for awhile c:

Posted in Doll Collectors Unite!!
Posted 4 years ago
@GoblinsAndTea: He's an older sculpt, they don't carry him anymore. He was my first doll that my friend gave me as a Christmas present. I want to reshell him since he doesn't fit what I want and isn't a good match for Ender in terms of quality (5sd uses cheap resin). But I want to wait until I can get some localish friends who are into it so I can not have them sit and waste away.
Ender is actually my dream doll. I waited FOREVER for someone to list him for sale and they even gave me a discount because I had a lot saved for him. They were so kind ;__; I need to get him some normal hands cuz his fantasy parts don't fit what I need (also the faceup for them is rubbing off).
I go to cons occasionally but they never had bjd related events. Not anymore at least. It's so sad! I'm on Den of Angels but that's more of a sellers site now.
Also I've been in the hobby since 03 when I read Rozen Maiden but didn't get my first doll until 2012 lol.
Ender is actually my dream doll. I waited FOREVER for someone to list him for sale and they even gave me a discount because I had a lot saved for him. They were so kind ;__; I need to get him some normal hands cuz his fantasy parts don't fit what I need (also the faceup for them is rubbing off).
I go to cons occasionally but they never had bjd related events. Not anymore at least. It's so sad! I'm on Den of Angels but that's more of a sellers site now.
Also I've been in the hobby since 03 when I read Rozen Maiden but didn't get my first doll until 2012 lol.

Posted in Nonsensical Words: Poetry Contest
Posted 4 years ago
To awake each morn'
To fetch thy bread.
Slumber torn,
By sunrise ahead.
Thou soon to meet,
The Earl of Yeet.
Knock knock, he sounds,
To silence confounds.
Within ye castle,
His footsteps rattle.
Millennial curse,
A historical verse.
Echoes against the walls,
Does the Earl, does he have the balls?
For compassionate reasoning,
For endless listening?
Thy knows no warmth,
So go put forth,
To regain thy bleak esteem,
And share thy dank meme.
The Earl he waits,
By test of Fates.
Shoo him with bribes,
Or send negative vibes.
It's not time, nay!
Thy meme went viral,
(I'm sorry for this disaster lmao)
To fetch thy bread.
Slumber torn,
By sunrise ahead.
Thou soon to meet,
The Earl of Yeet.
Knock knock, he sounds,
To silence confounds.
Within ye castle,
His footsteps rattle.
Millennial curse,
A historical verse.
Echoes against the walls,
Does the Earl, does he have the balls?
For compassionate reasoning,
For endless listening?
Thy knows no warmth,
So go put forth,
To regain thy bleak esteem,
And share thy dank meme.
The Earl he waits,
By test of Fates.
Shoo him with bribes,
Or send negative vibes.
It's not time, nay!
Thy meme went viral,
(I'm sorry for this disaster lmao)

Posted in Mirrored Expression: Art Contest
Posted 4 years ago
I got something in the works. Hopefully I can finish it in time.

Posted in Doll Collectors Unite!!
Posted 4 years ago
I have two bjd's myself!
I have the 5stardoll Tumnus (named Tadao) and Soom's Ender Dreamwalker (named Lucifer). They're based off my oc's from my comic cuz I lost control of my life lol.
I have no active community where I am so my dolls just kinda sit on their shelf collecting dust :'c All my friends who were into it they moved on and sold their dolls.
I miss being able to do stuff with them. Take them out for photos or make clothes. But not having people local to me to host meet ups kinda blows.
I have the 5stardoll Tumnus (named Tadao) and Soom's Ender Dreamwalker (named Lucifer). They're based off my oc's from my comic cuz I lost control of my life lol.
I have no active community where I am so my dolls just kinda sit on their shelf collecting dust :'c All my friends who were into it they moved on and sold their dolls.
I miss being able to do stuff with them. Take them out for photos or make clothes. But not having people local to me to host meet ups kinda blows.

Posted in Demon Den - A Lurker's Home
Posted 4 years ago
Lets get posting!
How's everyone recovering from the election anxiety?
How's everyone recovering from the election anxiety?

Posted in Demon Den - A Lurker's Home
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in Demon Den - A Lurker's Home
Posted 4 years ago
Decided to make a little home for me on this site!
Hey guys, I'm Moe.
I'm on a variety of avatar sites under the same username so if you see this name else where, that's me!
I'm still new to Voltra but I like it so far. I cant wait to see future events and additions to this site. Please feel free to talk to each other, share memes, and just waste away with me!
Convo starters:
-I have 5 dogs: Ginger, Lola, Remmy, Ember, and Milkshakes.
-Currently in college and dying under the stress
-Professional Zelda Nerd
-I know more about Vegeta than you
-Favorite animes: DBZ, Magi, Demon Slayer, Haikyuu, My Hero
-Favorite games: Zelda, Kid Icarus, Perfect World International (retired tho), Touken Ranbu, The Arcana
-Talk to me about Gay Demons!
I hope to have some giveaways or something in the future when I gain some more knowledge on items and stuff.
Hey guys, I'm Moe.
I'm on a variety of avatar sites under the same username so if you see this name else where, that's me!
I'm still new to Voltra but I like it so far. I cant wait to see future events and additions to this site. Please feel free to talk to each other, share memes, and just waste away with me!
Convo starters:
-I have 5 dogs: Ginger, Lola, Remmy, Ember, and Milkshakes.
-Currently in college and dying under the stress
-Professional Zelda Nerd
-I know more about Vegeta than you
-Favorite animes: DBZ, Magi, Demon Slayer, Haikyuu, My Hero
-Favorite games: Zelda, Kid Icarus, Perfect World International (retired tho), Touken Ranbu, The Arcana
-Talk to me about Gay Demons!
I hope to have some giveaways or something in the future when I gain some more knowledge on items and stuff.