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    @Saeyra: That's fair enough. Aren't their premade weapon and armor sets that DMs can use? I guess people would to do some digging to find those, tho. o:

    And thanks! I do love the little mouse-types - or any race of small stature. I'm going to try and play a human or some such this next time around, tho. I really want to try playing something I don't normally do.

    @Saeyra: Yeah, you're right. Those are some of the more noticeable issues with 5e, but it allows plenty of room for modification from the DMs (which I think is nice). Pathfinder is a really good inbetween for people who are just learning about role playing games but are also savvy enough to juggle all the extra information.

    EDIT: As for characters, in Pathfinder I played a Ratfolk Gunslinger (Gulchgunner) named Tikka "Tik Tok" Tokklik who loved shiny things (and she had a really cute high pitched voice). She melted down her gold and turned it into jewelry (essentially wearing her wealth). My last DnD character was a Mousefolk Bard named Lola of the Softpaws. She was only 1.5 feet tall, spoke eloquently, and - for all she knew - was an orphan. (Her parents were resistance fighters.)


    @dragoness129: That's life!
Posted in 1 x 1 - Vamps? Posted 6 years ago

    @Chrysothemis: Sounds good!

    <3 People have been so generous.
    And it's always nice to post in quest threads, it really helps us feel not so alone aha.

    @Saeyra: Yeah - you sound a lot like my husband in that respect. I really like the role playing aspect. I love to use it to get out of combat, but that's more because I play characters that are better outside of combat than in. I get lost in the numbers sometimes and it really slows down my momentum.

    My friend is wanting to put on a new game soon, so I'm really excited. I want to play something I've never played before - so it'll have to be a more common race and a melee sort of class, I think. :3

    @Saeyra: I have briefly played Pathfinder, not enough to really have an opinion on it tho.

    5e is definitely easier to teach and to understand for newbies, and I think that's why I like it in large groups more. I'm really impressed with this edition!

    @Saeyra: Probably 3.5e, but I do really like 5e - especially with larger groups.
Posted in 1 x 1 - Vamps? Posted 6 years ago

    @Amber Lynne: Okay, that's fine with me! I do them to keep track of things (I am forgetful), but other than that I don't think they're "needed". I'm ready to begin when you are!

    @Chrysothemis: OMGoodness! I love them! They are my true guilty pleasure. I could play any kind of vampire plot and be happy. :'D We can do them side by side if you want or after - either is completely fine with me!

    @The Creator: Hiya! I'm always happy to do vamps. B] If you'll be playing the human, then I'll let you decide what your problem is that needs helping.
Posted in 1 x 1 - Vamps? Posted 6 years ago

    @Amber Lynne: He is doing okay, but he was (and is) a little too rambunctious! Trying to get him to stay still and not jump around is prettying hard (especially considering that he basically has to jump to get on anything - he's a miniature dachshund). I've had to watch him like a hawk these past few days, so I apologize for not being around!

    Would you like to create something like character profiles or come up with appearances - how do you like to do things before the start of a rp?

    Hope you manage some time to do it! :D
Posted in Does it Ever get Better Posted 6 years ago

    If you mean does your depression get better and do you stop feeling the way you do, then the answer is yes (but it comes with stipulations). The combination of therapy and medication is the most effective treatment for depression and has the most success. It takes time. If anything, you'll learn a thing or two about patience.

    I was diagnosed with childhood bipolar and have suffered from depression my entire life. It took me until 2018 to find the perfect combination of medication and therapy that worked for me, and I have taken a lot of steps in my daily life to help me live a healthier life (such as practicing good habits).

    If you feel like your current medication isn't working, then discuss that with your doctor. If your doctor won't listen to you, get a second opinion. I've used a lot of medications and just because it does its job doesn't mean it doesn't mess something else up in the process. Make sure you speak up for yourself and become a partner in your treatment not just a patient.

Posted in 1 x 1 - Vamps? Posted 6 years ago

    @Amber Lynne: Oh, that’s fine! If my character is the only detective/officer type character then maybe that would give us some good comedy/differences. (My character might want to solve things via human law and yours might decide vamp law is better, you know? It’s good for the story and character development.)

    I’m currently babysitting my very tired puppy who had surgery today (nothing serious - he was neutered), so I may reply slowly today.
Posted in 1 x 1 - Vamps? Posted 6 years ago

    @Amber Lynne: That's good, that's good... *rubs chin*

    How about vamps and werewolves are popping up murdered (that way your character would have some motivation to help)? My guy is investigating to 1) keep the human law enforcement from discovering supes and 2) because his werewolf superiors are making him?
Posted in 1 x 1 - Vamps? Posted 6 years ago

    @Amber Lynne: Honestly, your idea isn't much different than my first idea. Werewolf and vampire work together to do a thing.

    I'm not sure what kind of thing my werewolf guy would need help with. I think that I would still want him to be a detective (I already have a character in mind and I am eager to play him). Would supernatural characters still be living in the shadows for this rp?