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Double post is not against the site's rules. You can double post, as long as you are also talking to someone else.
Sorry to butt in, I have a couple users telling me they aren't comfortable with all the butt talk. I would like you guys to tone it down a bit or put in a spoiler. <3
@Zach: I live off pho lmao
Omg, my long lost baby.
@Oddwood: wahh, I have a daughter ?
@Zach: omg Jeffree Star lol
I'm going through a lot of emotions right now, and I don't like to chat when I feel this way. I don't like putting my anger and stress on people I care about. I will be very less talkative for a while, but I'm still going to be here lurking here and there. Prizes will still be given out.
@star2000shadow: we can't post images in every posts, it's against the site's rules. Just letting you know because I got a friendly reminder.
I'm getting ready to go pick up my mom :)
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
@Zach: awww :(
@Neko: hey love
I can't keep up with so many sites anymore.
Awwww, hahah. I'm gonna be here for a lil bit.
@Chii: Aww, it's ok, glad to have you back.