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OMG, I can't believe we are going to hit page 150 already!
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
Awww, haha, I didn't do anything all day today. T.T
@Shadami: Yeah, that's what I was telling her lol,
so I'm trying to work with a mod on this. XD
Posted in Please Lock Posted 7 years ago
@Concentricity: Hey there :D I was so tired.
@Zach: Fozzy is behind on a milestone item, I forgot which one it was. XD
@Zach: Got it :D Thanks
@Shadami: The site is pretty slow right now.
@Vig: Basically! XD Trying to tune down the prizing system in here.
@Shadami: Cat Paws lol XD
@dragoness129: Wait, I'm not sure if it will be you lmao, since it will push my other posts toward 1st page. I will see if a mod can work with me on this to still keep you as first post.
@dragoness129: I am going to ask a mod to delete all posts on the 1st page that aren't mine.
You still will be the first post. XD
@Zach: Yes, do send me a pm of your detailed suggestion :D
@dragoness129: Point thing is a bit hard for me to keep up with, especially when there are a lot of people. XD
I would do lower post counts though, 3-5k seem too much for certain users.
@Shadami: You know me on Trisphee? What's your name?
Just so you guys know, all suggestions are being considered. I read every single post because I care about you guys, and there will be a huge revamp being done by tonight. <3
@Unicorn: You are doing good so far :D It's pretty easy to earn Volts here.
@Ginji: I have over 28k Volts right now because I don't buy commons XD
@Zach: I want the quote thing as an option, not just a main way of giveaway.
I still have a lot of funding for this charity, just don't want to run out way too fast. XD
The good thing is, I think it's better if I added more Volts prizes and some ohm prizes. That way I have more things to give out, instead of just one rare item. I don't want to buy commons as prizes, it's better to give volts and people can buy whatever they want with it.

Edit* My grammar is totally fked up right now lmao, I'm trying to type fast.
Well, my grammar is always horrible anyway.
@Zach: That's true too, and plus I'm trying to save some of my hoards for down the road. They will cost more later and I will be able to give out more things by reselling some of those rares. :3
@Zach: I can handle it right now, but you guys do post fast, XD Not a bad thing though.
@Nalight: I was going to do the quote thing right now, but then I got distracted.

Sorry guys, I'm overwhelmed with responses...I will try to read everything. :D I'm also thinking of stalking other sites just to get some other ideas. <3 I want the best for you guys, something fun, enjoyable, and never boring.