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Posted in EGGS? Posted 8 years ago
@Fozzy: I love rig items!
That sounds interesting!
Posted in Panda's Palace Posted 8 years ago
I made a charity :D




» Buying «

I am low on fund right now,
so I'm willing to trade items from my selling post.

I have been gone from the site for a long time, so
I'm missing all the items in this post, and I only want 1 of each.

250 = 5,000

» Orb Items «
Items are listed from oldest to newest ♥
Prices listed below are the highest price in price guide.

Yes, Dark Master *Rare* - 25,000 Volts

Haunting *Common* - 4,000 Volts

Virus *Common* - 4,000 Volts

Ombre Nomad *Very Common* - 3,000 Volts

Ombre Foxy Ponytail *Very Common* - 3,000 Volts

Alicorn *Rarest* - 60,000 Volts

Sky Master *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

D.J. FURocious *Uncommon* - 7,000 Volts

Ryuo the Dragon *Rarest* - 60,000 Volts

Skunk Punk *Rare* - 15,000 Volts

Hopper *Uncommon* - 6,000 Volts

Centaur *Rarest* - 20,000 Volts

Frankie *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Serene Royalty *Rarest* - 20,000 Volts

Showstopper *Rare* - 15,000 Volts

Weather Witch *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Beanie Doll *Rarest* - 20,000 Volts

Music Box Ballerina *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Porcelain Doll *Uncommon* - 10,000 Volts

Too Hot *Rarest* - 15,000 Volts

Sticky Fingers *Rare* - 15,000 Volts

Cursed Prince *Rarest* - 15,000 Volts

Lil Piggies *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Magical Mystery *Rarest* - 15,000 Volts

Loyal Elegance *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Voltra Land *Rarest* - 15,000 Volts

Speedster *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Bouncer *Uncommon* - 5,000 Volts

Aries *Rarest* - 15,000 Volts

Capricorn *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

Scorpio *Rarest* - 15,000 Volts

Cancer *Rare* - 10,000 Volts

» Buying «

I am low on fund right now,
so I'm willing to trade items from my selling post.

I have been gone from the site for a long time, so
I'm missing all the items in this post, and I only want 1 of each.

250 = 5,000

» Collector Set Items «

Nefarious Guard - 30,000 Volts

» Rare Crate Items «

Merlantis - 30,000 Volts

The Messenger - 25,000 Volts

» Crate Items «

Zaz La - 10,000 Volts

Catcher - 8,000 Volts

Scarecrow - 7,000 Volts

Rootin' Tootin' - 6,000 Volts

» Buying Orb Items in next post below... «

» Selling «

Items are listed from oldest to newest


Radical Shining x7 (8,000)
Year of the Snake x2 (4,000)
Year of the Goat x4 (3,000)
Year of the Horse x6 (2,000)
Year of the Monkey x5 (2,000)
Year of the Rooster x4 (2,000)
Unique PC Window Boarder x4 (2,000)
Ombre Afro Hair x1 (2,000)
Ombre Bun Hair x5 (1,500)
Ombre Cutie Tails x4 (1,500)

Breezy x2
Chemically Powered x4
Corvid Couture x1
Flame Dancer x5
Magmama x1
Rose Princess x2

» Rare Crate Items «
I'm also interested in OHMS, or items in my buying list.
Prices are not set in yeah...I am willing to haggle if it's reasonable.

x9 Samurai Shock Set - 40,000 Volts

x18 Sweet Cakes - 10,000 Volts

» Crate Items «

x16 Static Set - 25,000 Volts

x16 Frizz Set - 25,000 Volts

x13 Queen Bee - 20,000 Volts

x13 Frog Prince - 20,000 Volts

x13 Angelic Set - 25,000 Volts
*My most sold item*

x13 Demonic Set - 25,000 Volts
*My most sold item*

x10 Magnificent Inspector - 9,000 Volts

x10 Autumnal Spruce - 10,000 Volts

x5 The Electrician - 5,000 Volts

x5 Night Light - 5,000 Volts

x2 Valorous Knight - 7,000 Volts

x1 Victorious Captain - 8,000 Volts

x6 Bird of Prey - 8,000 Volts

x17 Bearboozled - 10,000 Volts


Welcome to my permanent shop!
Feel free to stay and chat with me. ♥
Regular chatters will receive gifts from me.

Don't forget to bookmark this thread.

Grand Opening

Posted in ㅇㅅㅇ Neko's Warehouse --- Posted 8 years ago
I'm tired too T.T
Stripper Panda is here :D
Posted in Hi, new here. :) Posted 8 years ago
@Astral Ninja: Hello there and welcome :D
Posted in Panda's Palace Posted 8 years ago
Me too hehe :D It's so pretty at night when there is lighting.