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@Totalanimefan: I see >.< I don't really chat in the forums,
I just come on avatar sites to buy new items and stuff.

@Unicorn: I see, that's nice. It's hard to keep up with a bunch of sites nowadays.

@Kairu: Don't know what that is.

@Unicorn: Are you on any other sites?
@Totalanimefan: Are you mainly on here only?

@Unicorn: I was looking for the actual rainbow hair lmao XD
I thought it was an option to put on the horse.

@Unicorn: Maybe I missed it XD

@Unicorn: Awwwww and I like your rainbow hair!!
I don't know where you get it, but I don't see it XD

@Zach: Yesss, with my invisible Volts XD

@Unicorn: Hahaha, I can't even see your profile.

@inatlaka: Can't wait hehe

@Totalanimefan: And the top poster...oh my goodness gracioussss!

Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 5 years ago

Dropping by to say hi!

@inatlaka: Trade accepted :D Thank you!

@Totalanimefan: You guys have insane amount of posts!

@Zach: I hate you XD I don't even have 3k Volts.

@inatlaka: Sending trade.

@Totalanimefan: Unicorn helped me.

@inatlaka: That's fine.

@inatlaka: I already took it off the front page T.T

@inatlaka: Yes

@inatlaka: Trade sent! :D
I am going to go get ready, but feel free to offer
on more items and I will check when I'm done getting ready.