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Urgg, decisions decisions D:

@okios: My facebook and gmail are active though D;

@superbearwars: That's what I read, it says money will only be taken out if the site goes through with it.
I don't know where I saw it, but that's what I read somewhere before D:

Bear knows so much about this site XD

@superbearwars: It says on the site that they only take out money from our account when the project is live and done, so that's kind good. I don't know, like it looks amazing and everything. It's hard to decide T.T Are you going to join the site?

@RainbowPanda: I think they are opening in December.

@okios: I tried linking them, but I keep getting error D;

@superbearwars: $94,161 now T.T That's a lot of money.
I hope they go through with it. I want to join, but it's pricey for packages.

I know, but like can I trust it?
It has been a project for awhile now.

Is it safe to join Dappervolk? XD

@okios: Firefox, I had to add an exception.

@okios: I got it confused with Tinier.Me XD That site was dead years ago.
Minier.Me and Solia are two different sites, but same network.

My browser blocked both say it's dangerous.

Who owns Vyda Industry? D: