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@Raxton: that’s good :3 !!!
@Dread Pirate: shhhhh omg...I’m going to calm down when next year comes around.
Hopefully you get the rare on your first crate next month.
@Raxton: lol don’t you get that when you open your crates ? Lol
@Dread Pirate: well, I do have 50 of the demonic lmao
@Raxton: oh yeah, you donate too lol
Saving your money for what? Lol
@Dread Pirate: vyc’s Horns lol
@Raxton: awww!!!! Are you buying ohms?
I'm so tired T.T
I'm selling OHMS, if anyone wants to buy!
You guys need to go to sleep.
I'm 24 D; My age is too much T.T I need to go back to being a kid.
@Dread Pirate: Why did you cancel it?
@Boss Rimi: Thank you and sweet dreams.
@Boss Rimi: Good night <3
@Totalanimefan: Sent you a message in your shop deary.