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@Taemins Lover: I'm tired, I'm going to go shopping in a couple hours.

See ya, bunny~

@RainbowPanda: You have a lot of extras XD

@GuttedBunny: You are welcome ^^

@Taemins Lover: Yay ! :D

@vengeance: Waaahhh! That's crazy.

@vengeance: I live for your GIF T.T

You guys probably have those already, but never hurt to have extras XD

I'm sunshine and sparkles @.@

I put in the front page, active members are well rewarded.

You guys better do the trades fast XD

I'm in my generous mood. :D

Sending ya'll a trade.

@Taemins Lover: It's because when I go, darkness takes over.

Yeah, I like that movie.

OMG! Yasss, that's soooo kaaacuteee af!