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@RainbowPanda: Kids can sleep, but us adults need to find some type of Caffeine to get us through the day O:
@Lithinel: Hahaha yes! I did that the other day then couldn't strike up a convo for a good 4 hours when I got back D:<
@dragoness129: I go through stages... Atm I scroll through Facebook a lot, but I spend more time on here O:
@Lithinel: Ya'll are crazy if you think I can go toilet without Facebook haha
@RainbowPanda: Food yes, sleep not so much... That's why we have coffee!!

@dragoness129: You can't go to the toilet without Facebook, can you?
@Lithinel: That's pretty much it!

Type reply = 5 posts
Swap tabs = 10 posts
Look away = 15 posts
Go toilet = Forget trying to catch up.
@dragoness129: You can't rush pooping while on facebook lmao
@RainbowPanda: And eat... Sleep, though, we live without. XD
@mdom: Nope.

He who wants pages must accept that one must poop themselves. D:
@Damia Flagg: I felt like I was on the loo for an hour lmao
Goes to toilet, comes back... 85 new posts. O:
I need to pop off for a few minutes, brb <3
@RainbowPanda: Ouh that sounds nice O: