Pashminapanda's posts
Posted in Day 1
Posted 3 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Same here ^^ I go on walks during my lunch breaks a few times a week!
My old job had us home from March-May 2020 then wanted us to come back when the pandemic wasn't even in full swing yet. By November we had 5-6 people missing at a time due to testing positive for COVID. :/ It seemed like going through an awful lot of trouble just to keep us in the office. lol

My old job had us home from March-May 2020 then wanted us to come back when the pandemic wasn't even in full swing yet. By November we had 5-6 people missing at a time due to testing positive for COVID. :/ It seemed like going through an awful lot of trouble just to keep us in the office. lol

Posted in Day 1
Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Exactly! ^^ My job is pretty flexible so once he gets his second shift job I can always switch over to getting on at 9:30am instead, which I wouldn't mind at all. My bf and I are night owls too! And yes, I basically clock in then make my breakfast, brush my hair, change clothes, etc. lol
I hope so too. They were originally going make us all come back to the office but a lot of people started threatening upper management by saying they would quit so they changed their minds really fast. LOL

I hope so too. They were originally going make us all come back to the office but a lot of people started threatening upper management by saying they would quit so they changed their minds really fast. LOL

Posted in Story Time
Posted 3 years ago

Posted in Games to Earn Volts
Posted 3 years ago
Sorry if this has been suggested before, but could there possibly be games we can play and win volts added to The Fairgrounds?
It doesn't have to be a large amount per "play" or anything, but I'm sure I speak for myself and others when I say we don't always feel like posting in the forums to earn volts.
I also wanted to say thank you for making such a great website that is very quickly becoming my internet "home".

It doesn't have to be a large amount per "play" or anything, but I'm sure I speak for myself and others when I say we don't always feel like posting in the forums to earn volts.
I also wanted to say thank you for making such a great website that is very quickly becoming my internet "home".

Posted in Day 1
Posted 3 years ago
@totalanimefan: Yeah, he commutes. :c Luckily it's not that long so if he's up by 5:20am he can be out the door in 20 minutes and still make it there in time.
7:30am is super early to commute for. I think the WFH aspect makes things so much more bearable. If my goal is to be on by 8am that day I basically roll out of bed 15-20 minutes before and log in. It makes me sad more places don't offer that option for their employees.

7:30am is super early to commute for. I think the WFH aspect makes things so much more bearable. If my goal is to be on by 8am that day I basically roll out of bed 15-20 minutes before and log in. It makes me sad more places don't offer that option for their employees.

Posted in Pashmina's favorite songs
Posted 3 years ago
Rearview by Beach Bunny

Posted in Pashmina's favorite songs
Posted 3 years ago
What Becomes of the Brokenhearted by Jimmy Ruffin

Posted in Pashmina's favorite songs
Posted 3 years ago
Rough by VIAL

Posted in Pashmina's favorite songs
Posted 3 years ago
Changes by Charles Bradley

Posted in Pashmina's favorite songs
Posted 3 years ago
The End of the World by Skeeter Davis

Posted in Survey for Volts #2
Posted 3 years ago
What's something you have to look forward to?
Seeing my family in a few weeks, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and Stranger Things Season 4: Part 2. ^^

Seeing my family in a few weeks, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, and Stranger Things Season 4: Part 2. ^^

Posted in Survey for Volts #2
Posted 3 years ago
Do you have an air fryer? What do you cook the most in it?
I used to but we gave it to a friend since it was kind of small. We used to air fry a lot of frozen french and sweet potato fries. lol

I used to but we gave it to a friend since it was kind of small. We used to air fry a lot of frozen french and sweet potato fries. lol

Posted in Survey for Volts #2
Posted 3 years ago
When did you last take your trash out?


Posted in Survey for Volts #2
Posted 3 years ago
How often do you play games on your phone?
More often than I'd like to admit -_-

More often than I'd like to admit -_-