Pisces's posts
Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago
Thank you! <3

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago
@goblin: Ah! Thank you so much! Sending a trade now. :)

Posted in Unicorns selling and buying
Posted 5 years ago
@Pisces: you can have the shirt for free, yeah that is fine. Sorry tired long day
@Pisces: you can have the shirt for free, yeah that is fine. Sorry tired long day
Oh! Thank you so so much! <3
And no worries, I'm right there with you...its been a weird couple of weeks.
Finishing the trade now.

Posted in Event Items - I absolutely love them! What about you?
Posted 5 years ago
With the release of the last two events (and their items) I finally feel like I have enough items in my wardrobe to create some decent outfits. And I have to say that I really love the events and the event item sets that we always get. They seem like really high quality sets to me. And I like that the artists seem to follow a single cohesive color palette each time. It makes them easy to mix and match.
Most of my wardrobe is made up of event items with a handful of rigs and monthly sets mixed in. I hardly have any commons yet mostly because I have a hard time collecting volts. So I'm really grateful for the event items. :)
How long did it take you to create a workable wardrobe? (my answer: for me its been a year and a half, haha!)
Which item categories do you find that you collect and use most? (my answer: event items)
What is your favorite event item(s) of all time? (my answer: Mad Hatter)
What is your favorite overall item(s) or set(s) on all of Voltra? (my answer: High Loving Gaze item and the Alice set)
Most of my wardrobe is made up of event items with a handful of rigs and monthly sets mixed in. I hardly have any commons yet mostly because I have a hard time collecting volts. So I'm really grateful for the event items. :)

Posted in Unicorns selling and buying
Posted 5 years ago
@Pisces: yes you can buy with ohms and yes I still have that item
Yay! Thank you. So is this correct:@Pisces: yes you can buy with ohms and yes I still have that item
Tree Spirit - 500 ohms
Elemental Baggy Shirt - how much?

Posted in Voltra's Runway | Fallin' for Autumn | ENTER BY NOV 25TH
Posted 5 years ago
I'm excited to join in on the next competition. I wonder what the theme will be. :vanora_heart:

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago
I'm so thankful that you had some set aside and that I could get one. It feels like not many people selling them now. And everytime I did find someone they seemed to immediately fall off the face of the Voltra planet never to be heard from again, lol. <3

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago
@Pisces: Thank you, and thank you for the trade.
and thank YOU so much! I'm so happy to finally get Melon Cutie and some volts. I was really volt-poor, haha! @Pisces: Thank you, and thank you for the trade.

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago

do you still have a march crate?

No, I'm so sorry. All of the crates are gone. It all just happened within the last few seconds so I hadn't updated the op yet. <3 
do you still have a march crate?

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago

@pisces: I would like to buy oct 18 crate

I'm so sorry, I just traded it to Tsundererra. <3 
@pisces: I would like to buy oct 18 crate

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago
Miss Sandman:
@Pisces: that was quick thank you very much :)
I know, right? That was the quickest Voltra trade in my entire history here with Voltra...I'm sort of shocked lol. @Pisces: that was quick thank you very much :)

Posted in Pisces: [B]a few things; [S/T] a few things
Posted 5 years ago
@miss sandman: sent and thank you so much! <3