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Escape to Voltra!

Join for free has cute avis if its the one im thinkin of.

vengeance. youre two years older than me :o
@XoGIZMOoX: how old is you?
im 26 :o
neko; yeah. it sucks butt.
i sometimes just log on to get the daily tho lol
*rolls in sadness*
i wish you could stay too :vanora_cry:

neko; yayay! ill check i later. gaia sucks on mobile
noo panda dont leeeaave
neko; i can hopefully get on gaia later today or sometime. you should friend me c:
neko; dude what items you got? ill buy some. im not really rich but ill take some off your...paws ;p
neko: me too. so tiny and cute and the items are fuckin cheeaap. most of them anyway
thanks neko! isnt she precious
im pixiebuns on gaia as well if anyone wants to find me.
its really hard for other sites to hold my interesting. this one is though and im happy about it.
omg the desks are HUGE. we have to take them apart
im at my bfs work. we are getting a desk they are gonna throw away xD
panda is right xD its syn related