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@Boss Rimi: im sorry rimi. i hope you feel better soon <3 <3
@Panda: its okay panda ; u; WE LOVE YOU
everyone needs to get better! ; A;
i have...8 friends i believe ; u;
haah we got this!
@totalanimefan: are you hosting them elsewhere or did you just take the links?
i think im just gonna host them on imgur myself xD
@Totalanimefan: i think im gonna do profile. c:
@Totalanimefan: of course!

im so close to having that 1k posts thing and the ten friends.
and i have ten topics c:

@panda yes post with us :D
@Totalanimefan: i enjoy bein a rollin fool xD
@Shadami: oh my goodness hahaha.

*rolls with total*
@Shadami: you kicked your husband in the face while sleeping? what talent :vanora_xd:
what banners :O
@Miss Kitty: uh oh what could that mean lol
@Shadami: yee c:

@dragoness129: awwe work sucks.
im off today and tomorrow luckily ; u;
@Miss Kitty: haha its okay ;P flowery things would be cute toooo~

@dragoness129: how is that going?
ive been wondering where you were