Poetictorment's posts
Posted in what is 10 days?
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: Oh, yeah... I guess it is helpful knowledge in the long run. lol
XD I had the song stuck in my head... Had to do it. >>
XD I had the song stuck in my head... Had to do it. >>
The power of voodoo~ (Who do?) You do~

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago

@star2000shadow: Lol Thank you! I couldn't help but make a cosplay cause the song was stuck in my head. X'D
The power of voodoo~ (Who do?) You do~

Posted in End of a terrible Year, Beginning of new resolutions!
Posted 4 years ago

1. I'd like to sell at least 15 paintings/pieces of art this new year. (Sold 9 in 2020)
2. Workout more to tone back up. (At least 45 minutes during weekdays)
3. I'd like to go through and declutter everything. Get rid of anything that's not being used or upcycle. And organize.
4. Get my license if possible or practice driving more... Been putting it off for years so gotta get it done.
5. Finish the register for Osage, cause I haven't gotten to that either.
And overall, I'd like to figure out how to time manage better.
2. Workout more to tone back up. (At least 45 minutes during weekdays)
3. I'd like to go through and declutter everything. Get rid of anything that's not being used or upcycle. And organize.
4. Get my license if possible or practice driving more... Been putting it off for years so gotta get it done.
5. Finish the register for Osage, cause I haven't gotten to that either.
And overall, I'd like to figure out how to time manage better.
The power of voodoo~ (Who do?) You do~

Posted in what is 10 days?
Posted 4 years ago
You remind me of the babe (What babe?) The babe with the power
@Kittyzilla: Had I realized sooner it was easily accessible like that I wouldn't have suggested the shirt thing. *^*; I don't think any animal likes the cone. XD
The power of voodoo (Who do?) You do

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago
You remind me of the babe (What babe?) The babe with the power
@Juliette: Yeah, they really out did themselves this year. It's way cute.
The power of voodoo (Who do?) You do

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago
You remind me of the babe (What babe?) The babe with the power
@Juliette: That's good.
Have you been getting the tickets from the Solstice Advent Calendar?
Have you been getting the tickets from the Solstice Advent Calendar?
The power of voodoo (Who do?) You do

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago
@Juliette: I'm doing okay. How about you?

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: Lol Most kids are.
@Juliette: Hi. And thank you!
@Juliette: Hi. And thank you!

Posted in Feeling Blue (=´ᆺ`=) [Art Contest] DONE
Posted 4 years ago
@Hadsvich: Thank you!! :) I sent you a pm.

Posted in A little nook of my own... Page 40 prize- sketch
Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: Lol That's very true!
@Evilcupcakecat: Ah, yeah. I'm sure they'd write something up if asked.
@Evilcupcakecat: Ah, yeah. I'm sure they'd write something up if asked.

Posted in what is 10 days?
Posted 4 years ago
@Kittyzilla: Oh, yeah. Probably not. Lol It does make it harder for them to move but not that difficult. XD

Posted in what is 10 days?
Posted 4 years ago
@Kittyzilla: They normally do after, so I'd say the 5th.
Also, he really doesn't like the cone, baby shirts are a great alternative. We'd use a button-up for easy on and off. (Size 0-3 for most cats)
Also, he really doesn't like the cone, baby shirts are a great alternative. We'd use a button-up for easy on and off. (Size 0-3 for most cats)

Posted in Feeling Blue (=´ᆺ`=) [Art Contest] DONE
Posted 4 years ago
@Kent: I'm hoping so too! It's been super hectic so looking forward to getting all this over with, needless to say. X'D

Posted in Feeling Blue (=´ᆺ`=) [Art Contest] DONE
Posted 4 years ago
@Kent: I really appreciate it cause I honestly forgot about this contest with all the stress lately so I wouldn't have remembered to check. XD