Priestess Of Pie's posts
Posted in 12 Days of Pokémon
Posted 6 years ago

I don't know what that is but it's huge, has a tree, and I want it.

Posted in ғʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴇs [OVER] - HB @ 560 posts. congrats, apollo im burning!
Posted 6 years ago

Usually talking about it isn't a problem for me. Seeing it in a photo is only mildly uncomfortable and it depends on how graphic the content is. Being in the physical presence of something dead can trigger anywhere from uncomfortable shaking to full on panic attack. =D
But this is fine. No need to censor yourselves further on just words.
But this is fine. No need to censor yourselves further on just words.

Posted in ғʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴇs [OVER] - HB @ 560 posts. congrats, apollo im burning!
Posted 6 years ago

My dislike of dead things is more of a necrophobia situation, but from a purely theoretical standpoint I find it poetic giving new life to things that are dead.

Posted in what up b
Posted 6 years ago

@milky prince: Isn't CCP by a different company? Just somehow using gcrest's assets? I never understood how that worked exactly. I do miss trading on TM though. I was on since the beginning so I had tons of free items that were worth a lot. XD I was a really shrewd trader and was able to get a lot of nice things without paying any money.

Posted in CHESTNUTS ROASTING BY AN OPEN BOOTY(gud stuff click here <3<)
Posted 6 years ago

@Dread Pirate: Yes good. (๑ᵕ⌓ᵕ)zzzz

Posted in ғʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴇs [OVER] - HB @ 560 posts. congrats, apollo im burning!
Posted 6 years ago

Extracting the art part of that convo, remember that mistakes are opportunities to be creative. =D
Personally I get really creeped out about dead things, but I also know that there are a lot of people willing to spend hella bank for stuff like that. I also think that salvaging those things from the woods is a great way to do it. Not like the animals need them now.

Posted in CHESTNUTS ROASTING BY AN OPEN BOOTY(gud stuff click here <3<)
Posted 6 years ago

@Dread Pirate: lol probably not. I tend to live under a rock.

Posted in ғʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴇs [OVER] - HB @ 560 posts. congrats, apollo im burning!
Posted 6 years ago

Holy crap! I'd quit that day. ;u;

Posted in what up b
Posted 6 years ago

@milky prince: They'll never add a trading system there. They're only in it for the money. =3 If users could trade with each other they wouldn't spend exorbitant amounts of money on gachas.

Posted in CHESTNUTS ROASTING BY AN OPEN BOOTY(gud stuff click here <3<)
Posted 6 years ago

Man that sounds delicious as heck. I used to make cinnamon toast all the time myself. XD
Hello Pirate friend. I am awake and that is a great thing.

Posted in ғʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴇs [OVER] - HB @ 560 posts. congrats, apollo im burning!
Posted 6 years ago

Like, it's 3am and you need sprite, a pack of batteries, and some fabric softener. Don't ask me why you need these things, you just do. Where are you going to go? =/

Posted in Help me pick a name!
Posted 6 years ago

@Saeyra: That's not weird, that's cat therapy. Guaranteed to lift your spirits.

Posted in ғʀɪᴇɴᴅʟʏ ғᴏᴇs [OVER] - HB @ 560 posts. congrats, apollo im burning!
Posted 6 years ago

I think I go to specialty stores for fabric and craft supplies that's about it these days.
...and thrift stores. XD

Posted in CHESTNUTS ROASTING BY AN OPEN BOOTY(gud stuff click here <3<)
Posted 6 years ago

What about the cinnamon twists then? XD They're basically just cinnamon sugar pork rinds. =|