Princessstarr's posts
Posted in Kitty's Weird Techfriend Hangout
Posted 4 years ago

I like, fell off the face of the Earth. O.o

Posted in Kitty's Weird Techfriend Hangout
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: I know how you feel. I've been tired all day. Fell asleep around 5, woke up at 9:30, fell back to sleep at 11...

Posted in Kitty's Weird Techfriend Hangout
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: Maybe that's what she needs. A little revamp. Freshen her up a bit.

Posted in I moved the bed!!
Posted 4 years ago

It really is. I'll have to finish in there tomorrow though. The light burnt out and I don't seem to have any extra bulbs.

Posted in I moved the bed!!
Posted 4 years ago

@Ruby: I actually ordered those Dutch Butter Cookies off Amazon. They came in right after I got the bed outside. I've eaten half the tin now.
@Totalanimefan: It was no easy feat. I had to maneuver into the band room, then slowly down the hall. Being mindful of the photos, the bookcase, and the tank with the bearded dragon.
@Nephila: I need to finish rearranging in there, but it seems so much bigger now that the bed is gone.
@Kittyzilla: Honestly that would be so nice. I thought about calling Roy's bosses wife for some help, but knowing her she'd say she'd help then just never show. She's good at that.

Posted in Kitty's Weird Techfriend Hangout
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: I just happened to see it when I was looking through the forums. It was the first place I posted, after my intro post.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

@Koah: I keep telling my husband we need two small bookcases. I have little statues I've painted and need a better place to display them. I think they'd look nice around that window, and then we've been talking about getting fish, so a table could sit right under it. Or we could put Lucifer there.
@Wildfire: It was very exhausting. I ended up taking a little nap. It was much needed after cleaning and moving the bed out.

Posted in How Many Are Online?
Posted 4 years ago


Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

@Koah: I'm constantly moving furniture around. We don't have a vent system, so we have window units. So the one wall where the window unit is just seems so naked. I hate it.

Posted in I moved the bed!!
Posted 4 years ago

So we had a Queen sized bed in my daughters room. We're getting a bunk bed, so when my husband's daughter comes out in July she'll be able to sleep in the room. Well my husband had the brilliant idea to give the bed to his friend. Now this wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that the only time he can come get the bed is when my husband isn't home, husband works on the road. So I moved the bed all on my own. It's now on the front porch. That was some hard work moving it all by myself.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

A walk sounds nice. I think I'm about ready for a nap. I moved that big bed by myself. That was some hard work.

Posted in Snails gods and snow oh my.
Posted 4 years ago

@Nephila: Royal Dansk, that's the ones I bought anyway. There is another brand that has a blue tin as well. It's Danish something. I didn't know they had a mermaid edition. I remember the red tin. That one was so pretty.
@Kittyzilla: Well if you ever feel like ordering them Amazon has them. :3 So you can always get your fix from them.

Posted in ┤▒├ Wildfire's World ┤▒├ All welcome, all the time - come say Hi!
Posted 4 years ago

@Wildfire: I'm doing okay. After putting all the warm goodness in my body I managed to get a bunch of house work done. Now I just need to pull the bed out of the kids room for my husbands friend to pick up.

Posted in Snails gods and snow oh my.
Posted 4 years ago

@Kittyzilla: The only store that carried them here was the Kmart. Kmart shut down 6 years ago. No one else carries them in this town. I look every year around the holidays specifically. Since the tin is kind of holiday looking to me.