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Posted in Period cramps Posted 4 years ago

I had mines last week and there are those rare moments where I don't suffer so much cramping during my period and that was me last week which is nice... I was still an emotional wreck though.

@Wildfire: Ooh like giveaways and such?
That's a good idea ^^

wooow o.o
let's hit 1k by the end of the year rip xDD

I would give it... a month or two or so o3o
Like is already an achievement to hit 300 already since idk when this hangout started

Road to 400 now let's guuuuu

@Wildfire: Ikr! We're just a bit wiser and just been through a lot and leveled up more in life.
Sometimes I just imagine life as a video game and we're no longer newbies...

@Wildfire: Mhm definitely :3
I will be forever an angsty teen in my mind~

@Wildfire: That's a nice way to think about it ^^
I think being stuck at home all year can play a big part of that... As someone who's already heavily introverted to begin with, the lockdown was still hard for me too. I think knowing the fact you are limited to go out often still even screws me mentally unlike before when we always have the choice to out whenever time we want.

Lol! Yeah I've known a couple of people who feels the same way as well xD
I think people just grown mature mentally at their own pace in my case when I'm much much older lmao

@Wildfire: Sounds like a pretty nice day ^^
My day is going well. I had a solid 2 hours of drawing and I'm taking a mini break before I do laundry.
It feels like my long drawing burnout is ending and feel motivated to draw something again~

Tbh... the older I get the more conscious I am of it and birthdays in general just hits harder for me. Is weird 'cause most days I don't feel like my own age but like an angsty teenager lmao

@Wildfire: Yep =w=
How's your day going so far?

@Wildfire: Well my brother had to grilled it too in the end and he ended up burning most of them xD
But is still really good!

Good morning! I hope everyone is doing great today ^^

@Wildfire: LOL! Oh the irony xD
While my family didn't end up having takeout but we're having ribs with mash potatoes for dinner.
We're using the sous-vide to cook the meat.

@Wildfire: Ah I see. I'm the same way when I don't have fast foods.

Posted in vixen's vanity • an avatar gallery Posted 4 years ago

Omg you avatars are right up my alley :vanora_heart: