Queen Of Trash's posts
Posted in The Queen Shiftposts.
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...

It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: You're fine haha.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@inatlaka: starting post count is what your post count is at the start of posting. That way when you're done I can check and make sure you've made the right amount of posts before I send the item.
I went to your profile and got your post count and updated the front page, so once you have 500 posts more than what's listed ping me and I'll send your item.
I went to your profile and got your post count and updated the front page, so once you have 500 posts more than what's listed ping me and I'll send your item.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in Get your shift together
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Bioshock: It really is, I don't know how they could send their work in like that.
@inatlaka: it's a horror anthology, it's up for preorder right now on ebook but the paperback can be ordered on Halloween. I can message you the link if you're still interested <3 all proceeds go to UNICEF.
@Totalanimefan: right? I'm surprised to hear about some because they're well known indie authors who are some of the more high rated, wonderful ones.
It looks like they're all getting shit worked out. The two authors running the anthology, who are AMAZING ladies, are making sure it gets taken care of. This is an anthology for charity too.
@inatlaka: it's a horror anthology, it's up for preorder right now on ebook but the paperback can be ordered on Halloween. I can message you the link if you're still interested <3 all proceeds go to UNICEF.
@Totalanimefan: right? I'm surprised to hear about some because they're well known indie authors who are some of the more high rated, wonderful ones.
It looks like they're all getting shit worked out. The two authors running the anthology, who are AMAZING ladies, are making sure it gets taken care of. This is an anthology for charity too.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: I agree! <3
I'm headed off for the night. I'll be on tomorrow!
I'm headed off for the night. I'll be on tomorrow!
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: yeah, I don't work well with rigid deadlines. I need the flexibility.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: yeah, when it comes to this it helps. It's one of the reasons I like self publishing, the timeline isn't as rigid.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: Yeah, it's a loose timeline because of the holidays. If she needs more time I can wait longer.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: It did! I'm so happy it did too. I'm working on my third book right now. I'm hoping to finish my draft and my first read through by the end of November. Give it to the editor in December and release in January. That's my loose timeline right now.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: My first book I asked some people who read other indie horror books. I knew them because I did PA work for an indie horror author. The second one I asked a few of my own readers, they were very excited to get to read before anyone else.
My editor was actually not an editor when I found her. She was looking to getting into it and I was like "let's make our debuts together." So we both had something to prove with my first book. Now she edits other authors and anthologies and all kinds of stuff.
My editor was actually not an editor when I found her. She was looking to getting into it and I was like "let's make our debuts together." So we both had something to prove with my first book. Now she edits other authors and anthologies and all kinds of stuff.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: I do editor and beta readers. I have like 4-5 people who read my unedited copy and they give me some edits and offer opinions on the plot, let me know if there are any plot holes. I adjust accordingly.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: exactly, everyone needs an editor. Anyone who thinks they don't isn't ready to be an author.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: Yeah, like I said a few I'm really surprised because they are well known indie authors that are really high rated on all their books. So they get their books edited, they have editors so I don't know why they didn't get this edited.
It's a short story so it wouldn't take long to edit and it's not expensive. It's really not that hard to find an editor in the indie world either, there are plenty and most of them are very good at their job, there are a few that aren't as good, but you just have to find the right one. Without my editor I'm sure I'd look like an idiot haha.
It's a short story so it wouldn't take long to edit and it's not expensive. It's really not that hard to find an editor in the indie world either, there are plenty and most of them are very good at their job, there are a few that aren't as good, but you just have to find the right one. Without my editor I'm sure I'd look like an idiot haha.
It is October, time to get spooky.

Posted in The Queen's Charity NEW EVENT ADDED
Posted 5 years ago
The Queen Declares...
@Wildfire: I'm surprised by some of these authors not having their short stories edited because they are well known indie authors. I asked if one was mine and they said mine was one of the three that was good. I was like, okay good. I had mine edited like they asked so I thought mine would be.
It's just they told us to get them edited. We're adults and professionals, like this is what we do, do your job and get it edited.
Problem is that the final manuscript has to be submitted by Saturday so they only have 2 days to fix it.
It's frustrating to those running the anthology and those who actually got theirs edited.
It's just they told us to get them edited. We're adults and professionals, like this is what we do, do your job and get it edited.
Problem is that the final manuscript has to be submitted by Saturday so they only have 2 days to fix it.
It's frustrating to those running the anthology and those who actually got theirs edited.
It is October, time to get spooky.