Querin's posts
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
I tend to buy fairtrade dark chocolate. 8D
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
@wildfire: Have you had it once there is always a chance that you will get it again as I was told by the doctor. And yes I was the youngest at the hospital, the others in the neurogolgical area with strokes, were more or less all grandparents, made it a bit awkward at times
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
@wildire: I was 26 when it all happend. And yes it was terrifying., and slightly confusing ^^;
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
@wildfire: yep I had strokes... 2 of them at the same time in my brain... it is very soon 4 year anniversary since.. when we hit somewhere between 23 and 24th november as the first came the night to the 24th if I recall right . called my doctor in the morning who gave me an emergency appointment, from there it was quickly decided that I should go to the hospital, which I did.. first it was just to get a brainscan, but as I had a seizure there, litterally faceplanting face-first-into the floor, they kept me got my brain scanned from whih I got sent by ambulance to an other hospital.. The entire trip from one hospital o the other was one big flurry of memories as I kept falling in and out of conciousness. I vaguely reme,mber being rolled on a bed into a glass-hallway and getting taken some bloodtests while my parents at some point had arrived and my mother was hysterical thinking I had broken my nose ( and wanted to touch it ) Looking over at a screen then vcompletely blackout. Only interrupted briefly by a time when a nurse was screaming for a bag of blood. ^^; getting rolled onto a stretcher, and nothing again... which was around the time they put me in a medical coma.
Sorry if its tmi.
Sorry if its tmi.
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
@wildfire: yep Imma mule, changin to main in a lil bit
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
Just listening to Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq on YT 8D love his songs
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
MY dad is gonna get a hearing aid, which really was about time. He had his television so loud you could hear it outside his apartment, untill he finally got himself pulled togther to go to his doctor who send him to a ear-doctor.. now I just need my mom to get her hearing checked cuse she also yells a good deal.
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
xD My upstair neighbour had a god old 'loud talking' earlier today.. at least not as noisy as the party he had last night ( but allright.. J-day he is apologized )
Posted in Trick or Treat event chat an giveaway
Posted 5 years ago
*releases my-fairly-never-used-mule *
Posted in Voltra's Runway | Fallin' for Autumn | ENTER BY NOV 25TH
Posted 5 years ago
Lol if I had more confidence in myself and my avatars Iwould probably have added a avatar similiar to this one, but nah... I just dont dare, might be too hard on myself but never felt confident in these kind of contests even if I have ideas and enjoy watching the other contestants ^^'
Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
I usually do it from paper to digital, I like the feeling of drawing on paper, but I have a slight allergy to paper, so if I touch paper too long I will get red itchy blisters all over my hand.
Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
But I dont recall having joined the sct patty days event, as I was busy with rl life back then. oO also I have clicked on all y items in my inventory; as mentioned none of them makes the rainbow,. Oh wait now I know which letter to go follow id manage to find it, yay.. It was just not marked with a darker color like the other items I'm wearing
Posted in Summer Art Showcase (CONTEST!)
Posted 6 years ago
@tsundererra: Considering it is currently 3.43 am here, and I really should be sleeping, with the meeting tomorrow being at 10 am. Unfortunately I do not have a job, most likely never will have one. Its more my socialworker/mentor, caseworker and the many people looking on my case that I gotta worry about ^^: So most likely wont submit what I have done ( That would also mean I would have to find my phone take photos of the 'art' doodles I have made, send them to my email, resize them, then upload them om imgur or dA )
Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Its all a big mystery~ ( Just like my background rainbow is a mystery, since NO item in my inventory can make that rainbow, it just appeared one day when I checked my inventory.. * Chosen by the rainbow..? * )