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Posted in Tiktok names? Posted 2 years ago
send me ur tiktok name i wanna send people funny videos (if ur comfortable)

Also idk if asking for this is illegal (ban worthy) on this site if so please inform me i will take this down immediately (im kinda dumb so i cant find the rules)
I've been struggling with Schizoaffective along side possible ptsd? (physical and mental abuse) Other then pills I have no idea how to help it anymore the episodes are getting out of hand and it's affecting me to the point I waste days of my time on it. The mental breakdowns are to the point where I feel it'll do some damage health wise (Heart attack possibly? It could just be normal) I try distracting myself going out eating better and trying to find things i enjoy but it all seems to just bottle it all up rather then prevent it, only causing worse episodes/breakdowns. I still live with my abuser and another abuser is online stalking me which is what sparks the worst breakdowns. I don't know what to do anymore.

Therapy is in the process but even that doesn't really help me neither is it safe to put me on meds due to the fact I get addicted to them upping my doses just to try and make the feelings completely stop. Oils aren't an option due to most being toxic to animals.

I really need some advice. I know my illness is not common so it's hard to find others with the same illness but im hoping to meet someone else who's dealt with it other than my mom and grandpa since their life with it has been terrible and it freaks me out.
Posted in Not sure how this works Posted 2 years ago
@Totalanimefan: oh i wasn't thinking that even if someone was to say that to me i wouldn't be mad if they didn't. tho i understand urs is like a raffle
Posted in Not sure how this works Posted 2 years ago

I saw some but i got confused also some of the things i see are from months ago so i didn't know (I don't beg for items from others don't worry) but that's nice of people to give things for free!
Posted in I'm new so I'm still finding things out. Posted 2 years ago
@sunny: so it comes with more items? sorry im disabled so im like not the best at understanding
Posted in Not sure how this works Posted 2 years ago
Im kinda dumb idk how to give people volts but atm i have 600 (not a lot) or if items are worth anything on here so if i seem like im being greedy i didn't mean to look that way.

Tho im looking to give away my volts for pretty items and you can name a price i have no issue with getting more volts and such too i just like dressing up
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
Do you enjoy going to arcades? What's your favorite game?

Yes and race car game, I barely get to go to those
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
Do you usually nap on most days?

I used to but my friend time is valuable to me so i make time for them always
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
Did you used to have sleepovers as a kid?

Yes Either at my house or at my friends house
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
When did you last comb your hair?

I can't remember i dont brush it often since it rarely tangles and looks better unbrushed
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
What color are your favorite pair of boots?
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
Have you ever tried boba tea?

Sort of, Milk tea but without the candy..I got a packet at the store but i did it wrong so it was really gross
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
Would you ever move locations for someone you love?

Yes i'd give up a lot of things for the person I love
Posted in Survey for Volts #3 Posted 2 years ago
Have you ever heard a coyote/wolf howl in person?

Both, were i come from we have coywolves so it's both in one and yes they howl often, I find them soothing