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Posted in Strangest thing you've eaten and/or drunk? Posted 7 years ago
As a child I had Pica, so the strangest things I ate were notebook paper, the sleeves of my shirts (one thread at a time), woven blankets, and pool noodles (the Styrofoam ones).
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Panda: I hope you do too! :D Have a good day at work
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Panda: Why hello there, dear! :D How are you doing today?
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Lina: I appreciate that! ; 3; I will admit, I do like showing off my art, so thank you

@Treesan: Thank you so much! :D

@ghost: That's okay! :D I'm patient, haha. Thank you again for ordering! (Now I can get pretty commons... yay!)
Posted in Skin Color Posted 7 years ago
More types of darker skin would be nice, too! There's the purpleish tone, which is a natural tone, but I'd love some more blush and orange tinged tans as well. ^^
Posted in Post your Rants Posted 7 years ago
Guess who saw this coming, Pewdie-fans?

*holds a big red YouTube thumbnail arrow, pointing to self and all of my fellow Jews*

We freakin' warned you! x:
Posted in Watcha doin'? Posted 7 years ago
A million things at once, per usual. I tend to have to keep various things open at once, as it's very hard for me to concentrate at one thing at a time >3< ADHD at it's finest...!

I currently have Flight Rising open, as well as a few Tumblr blogs (BJD drama blogs, haha), Tumblr itself, and several Stardew Valley related Wiki pages. I'm also paying attention to my puppy and thinking about various creative things. ^^
Posted in What are you currently watching? Posted 7 years ago
Currently I've become... kind of addicted to Australian Survivor.

I've never been a fan of Survivor, but I never really watched it much either. It seemed kind of lame to me... but that was, of course, the American version. And the American versions of shows are 90% drama, instead of actually focusing on what's going on.

In the Australian version, though, they focus mostly on the strategy between the players, instead of how much they're clashing and butting heads. It's REALLY cool to see the different gameplay they do, as well as seeing the different tasks and challenges.

My fav. from the current season is Annalise. 8D
Posted in 25k MI & New Commons! Posted 7 years ago
Ahhh, all such cute new commons... how am I supposed to save my volts for extra items D8!

But seriously... they're all so LOVELY, thank you to the artists who worked so hard! ^^
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@ghost: I'm so glad to hear you like it! :D Thank you again for your order! He was very fun to draw ^^

@Lina: Thank you! :D

Awww, I'm so glad you have someone there to help you! Having support is very important ^^
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@ghost: Hey there! 8D I've completed your artwork!

Link to the full image
(Since it's showing up as tiny for some reason?)

Let me know what you think! ^^
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Maro: Thank you so very much! :D

@Lina: Well that's good to hear! :D I'm glad something helps you!
Posted in A Bun of Art - OPEN! Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: Oh gosh, you should try it it's so lovely ; 3;

@Lina: Ahh, same! I have agoraphobia and without the internet I would probably only interact with my husband and therapist... xD
Posted in Post your Rants Posted 7 years ago

I hate my mother.

At least EIGHT YEARS I have been going by 'he' pronouns. Recently it became he and they, both of which I am equally comfortable with.

But my 'mother' still 'slips up'. During an argument with my husband over text messages last night, she straight up referred to me as 'she'.

When he called her on it, she of course made excuses instead of apologizing. (She later told me that she did apologize, as if unaware of the fact that I'm capable of reading the messages myself... which she shouldn't be, because I told her that.)

She continued to make excuses as to why she should be allowed to slip up... after eight years. When he called her on using the wrong pronouns when I'm not around, she called him mean and a liar, even though she does do that and has admitted to it.

He told her repeatedly that she's hurting me and she told him she didn't care. She said that she's tired of there being 'conditions' in our relationship, as if I should be fine with her still calling me 'she' after EIGHT YEARS. But it's not even that she just slips up, because she joined a bunch of groups of FB called 'I love my daughter!' when she only has sons! She stated that if we can't accept that she 'makes mistakes' (again, after eight fucking years), she doesn't want us in her life.

Good fucking riddance, bitch.

Then, when she was backed into a corner, she lashed out and told him that it was him who was causing me hurt, because he kept pointing out that what she was doing was wrong. Apparently she thinks he's telling me lies and that I would be completely fine with being misgendered if he wasn't there to tell me it wasn't okay. Because, you know... all non-binary people would be fine with it if he wasn't around to tell them it hurts.

This woman is toxic. I feel blessed to have her gone from my life. Under her rule I was miserable, constantly misgendered, and criticized at every turn. She belittled me being the head artist of an avatar site, belittled me for not having jobs (despite being DISABLED), belittled me for not being able to do the things she wanted me to do. She expected too much of me too quickly, telling me I needed to be able to sew purses to sell them when I had just started learning to sew. She treated me like dirt...

...And she still is. She won't change. She'll always pretend she's the victim, even when she's the abuser. Even when it's pointed out that she's the abuser.

Again, good riddance, bitch. Just know that when you come crawling back trying to start up a conversation again (but she wont apologize. She never has and never will), I will slam the door so hard in your face it'll break a second time.