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I was thinking more like 3 per person. Since you could wear 2 items at a time.
@Lithinel: It really does. Being a mod has it's ups and downs.
Mhm a few of each is a perfect amount that way people aren't hoarding every item.
Commons are one thing but DI's or rare items are another.
Lol we be postiiiiiiin
Mhm I kind of want to be a mod. Not sure if I am good enough though.

I feel the same way, people would hoard them. Each person should only be able to get a few.
Or 2 weeks would be okay.
@Lithinel: Honestly it would mean a lot if they add least added one of our ideas. We have everything planned ourselves if only we could do it >.<
Oh yeah that is what I meant! That would be awesome :D

Yeah :P
Exactly, that was what I was thinking as well.
Maybe someday they will make our suggestions come to life :D
Ooo a past item shop would be cool. Yeah limited items would be good.
They could also just add it to the Ohms shop
Oo that would be nice!
They can also maybe sell recolors of past DI's
Honestly I think you should be able to choose 1 item everyday. The mods could put in random items every now and then as well.
@Lithinel: Choosing the item would be awesome.
It could also be called a charity or another word for that (make it sound cool)
Good night Vengeance!
Haha suurrree
Or maybe
"Digging for gold"
psh stupid name I just came up with it in like 5 sec.
Oh yes that would be perfect
@Fozzy: Get your booty in here. We have some great ideas. GREATNESS OVERLOAD!
@Lithinel: Great Idea! I think we need to call a mod in here xD
or something. We are coming up with so many ideas.
Just maybe keep a limit to the items like if you already have the item you aren't allowed to grab another free one
@Lithinel: Oh my gosh yes! Like a marketplace :D
I think they are working on that actually :P
Maybe I should suggest a gifting system. Although, someone probably already has done so.