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I like having long nails though. My nails end up growing back eventually but it takes a while.
Also, my toenails grow faster than my fingernails lol. I need to clip them.
Has happened many times before. The struggles of having long nails and skinny fingers. My finger hurts now T_T
Hey KimmiChan, I am...okay I guess.
How are you?
Has anyone ever broken a really long nail before? To the point where it breaks to the part that is attached to your skin. It hurts >.<
I agree with Shadami :P
Welcome to Voltra then ^-^

Ah okay I need to as well >.< I have like no commons
Anyone else want more commons? I know I do!
How in the world are you supposed to choose a winner ;u;
I hope so. :( Sorry if I ruined your day >.<

*accepts hug*
It's life. Always forgotten or invisible. Always ignored. How am I supposed to be positive when all there is in my life is negativity?
Well I am still grounded and my friend wanted to go to the YMCA with me and my sister and my friend never hangs out with just one of us (always both!) BUT it seems she likes my stupid older sister more (even tho we r closer in age) and she is going with just my sister to the YMCA rn. I am so mad and I wanna cry. Every time my sister couldn't go we would always wait to when she could go, but they always go without me :(
It is unfair
Hey Shadami
Hey vengeance, awful T_T