Rainbowpanda's posts
Posted in um so I got a job
Posted 4 years ago

@Kairu: You're right! I'm so broke right now and I need a car.
@Megaame: Thank you :) I'm super nervous but hopefully I do just fine.
@Totalanimefan: Thanks, I'm not entirely sure. I'm working part time because of school but I will most likely work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
@Vlad: I hope the chickfila near me is the same! I know the workers are nice but i'm just nervous about how stressful the job may be.
@milkshake: I was told it was stressful. My friend quit because he absolutely hated working there. Hopefully I enjoy it though because everyone is different. Yeah that's what I was worried about when I applied to work there :( I don't like that they are against LGBTQ+
@MoodyBats: Thank you! I can't wait to start working :) I hope I am able to balance school and work as it can be hard and stressful for most people. I guess i'll just have to try to keep working ahead.
@Megaame: Thank you :) I'm super nervous but hopefully I do just fine.
@Totalanimefan: Thanks, I'm not entirely sure. I'm working part time because of school but I will most likely work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
@Vlad: I hope the chickfila near me is the same! I know the workers are nice but i'm just nervous about how stressful the job may be.
@milkshake: I was told it was stressful. My friend quit because he absolutely hated working there. Hopefully I enjoy it though because everyone is different. Yeah that's what I was worried about when I applied to work there :( I don't like that they are against LGBTQ+
@MoodyBats: Thank you! I can't wait to start working :) I hope I am able to balance school and work as it can be hard and stressful for most people. I guess i'll just have to try to keep working ahead.

Posted in um so I got a job
Posted 4 years ago

I got a job...in two days. I wasn’t expecting to get it that fast. I guess they liked my resume and what I had to say when I went in for an interview. I didn’t want to work here but it was kind of my last option since I do not have a car and it’s close enough to get a decent price for Uber. Chick-fil-A aha so um I’m nervous and stressed. I know it’s a stressful job and apparently my friend hated working there, but everyone is different. I have an orientation on Monday and training on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Has anyone worked at a fast food place before? The Chick-fil-A near me is super busy since it’s just a drive thru. I applied for back of house but they are putting me in the front cuz they needed more cashiers.

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Lilypoo: Thank you!

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I’m not sure yet but I’ll definitely be returning all of my books even though most of them were online. :(

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I am going to return the books. They give you your money back, or at least some of it, if the book is still in good shape.

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: I could ask him but it’s definitely not based off of the books. It’s just random questions that he puts together in 4 different sections like maps and stuff.

Posted in Bored, come chat?
Posted 4 years ago

@ChiffonOrange: Yeah! It’s so much fun and FREEEE. I prefer playing it on my phone.

Posted in Bored, come chat?
Posted 4 years ago

@ChiffonOrange: I’m already on my phone way too much and among us isn’t helping haha

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: That’s very true but he isn’t even using the book anymore because he got sick of using the same one every year. He wanted to teach something else that we really don’t need to know. He has been making us watch old movies in class and answering questions at the end.

Posted in Calling all vegans!
Posted 4 years ago

@koneko: Omg those sound amazing and wow that’s a long time. I hope to make it as long as possible. Thank you for the ideas! I can’t wait to try them. Oh and I will eat literally anything haha I love trying new foods as well. Chickpeas are my fav! (I think I prefer salty over sweet now tbh)
@Totalanimefan: yesss I love kale but I’ve never tried spinach on its own. I’m gonna have to try to eat more filling salads with spinach. Ty!
@koneko: Will do! I’ll buy some next time I go to the store.
@xvz: I’ve been wanting to try vegan pad Thai, I’m gonna have to get all the ingredients. Wow thank you for all the recipes n ideas! I’ve been wanting to get some protein powder because I definitely need it but wasn’t sure if it would even taste good in smoothies cuz I’ve heard it has a weird taste.
I actually have some almond butter in my fridge, not a huge fan, but I’ll still eat it. Kind of completely forgot about it oops.
Thank you guys! I have so many new recipes to try.
@Totalanimefan: yesss I love kale but I’ve never tried spinach on its own. I’m gonna have to try to eat more filling salads with spinach. Ty!
@koneko: Will do! I’ll buy some next time I go to the store.
@xvz: I’ve been wanting to try vegan pad Thai, I’m gonna have to get all the ingredients. Wow thank you for all the recipes n ideas! I’ve been wanting to get some protein powder because I definitely need it but wasn’t sure if it would even taste good in smoothies cuz I’ve heard it has a weird taste.
I actually have some almond butter in my fridge, not a huge fan, but I’ll still eat it. Kind of completely forgot about it oops.
Thank you guys! I have so many new recipes to try.

Posted in Calling all vegans!
Posted 4 years ago

Please tell me I’m not the only vegan here. I decided to become vegan January 1st and so far so good. I realized that I haven’t been eating as much as I should and getting enough nutrients/protein. Ive eaten a vegan poptart (I left my poptarts out and my kitty ate one T_T), a little 45 calorie açaí treat, and some takis. Clearly that isn’t good but I did wake up a bit late today. I’ve been having trouble on deciding what to eat. I love vegetable pot pie and it has plenty of calories and keeps me full but I can’t always have that in my freezer. Any good recipes I could make or foods I could buy to keep me full longer or just has plenty of nutrients. I also have low iron and refuse to take my pills mainly cuz I forget due to my horrible memory that has continued to get worse. I just need some yummy healthy recipes from fellow vegans. I am still rather new and I’m tired of eating the same things everyday.

Posted in What's everyone's halloween plans?
Posted 4 years ago

@grost: I have a Halloween party on Halloween with some college friends, can’t wait to dress up and have fun! Also going to this event called trunk or treat that my church hosts but unfortunately will not be participating. I will definitely be dressing up tho :)
(Can’t participate because I am vegan and trying to stay healthy but takis don’t count as unhealthy for me haha)
(Can’t participate because I am vegan and trying to stay healthy but takis don’t count as unhealthy for me haha)

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: damn that’s a lot! I know my school actually gives people with cars $100 gift cards for gas which helps a bit.
Yeah it is kind of an easy A but the problem is it’s mostly exams which he isn’t preparing us for. I don’t wanna fail a class because my teacher is not teaching us what we should be learning.
Yeah I failed my first test T_T and I have another test next week.
Yeah it is kind of an easy A but the problem is it’s mostly exams which he isn’t preparing us for. I don’t wanna fail a class because my teacher is not teaching us what we should be learning.
Yeah I failed my first test T_T and I have another test next week.

Posted in I'm back o.o
Posted 4 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah so far so good! History has been kinda weird since my professor recently lost his wife so he hasn't been focusing on putting out the work we need to do and grades. I honestly haven't had much work in that class which I wasn't expecting but he shows random videos in class that don't apply to what we need to learn. He made us all buy a book for that class that we only used for 2 weeks so it was a waste of money and college books are expensive. Oh well. Math has been pretty tough, it is something i constantly struggle with. English has been pretty easy but so many essays aha, anddd computer apps...honestly not sure why I signed up to take this class when I don't need it. It has also been fairly easy though.
Everything is online this semester but things will change next semester although I prefer being online since I do not have a car. :(
Everything is online this semester but things will change next semester although I prefer being online since I do not have a car. :(