Rainbowpanda's posts
Posted in Neon Junkyard [now without rats]
Posted 7 years ago

@Dread Pirate: EW RATS
I like mice, but I can't even look at rats blegh
I like mice, but I can't even look at rats blegh

Posted in How many fuses do you have?
Posted 7 years ago

338 >.< Need to post more!!!

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago

@Unicorn: Ah okay. I have discord on my phone but only have the notifications turned on for voice chat text and hangout, because my phone kept blowing up with messages lol
Does Voltra have an IG ouo
Does Voltra have an IG ouo

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago

Ah oops nvm, they said something on fb, just didn't see it.

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago

@Unicorn: Mhm, who doesn't tho lol
Idk what happened..it just said privacy error for me, which was really odd. Second time that has happened and no word of what was going on.
Oo contests, fun!
Idk what happened..it just said privacy error for me, which was really odd. Second time that has happened and no word of what was going on.
Oo contests, fun!

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago

@Unicorn: Site stopped working while I was trying to reply.
The lady that lives above me goes out every day and she goes on a walk/run. They don't hate sunlight.
The lady that lives above me goes out every day and she goes on a walk/run. They don't hate sunlight.

Posted in ~Rainbow Adventure~[B]Serene Royalty+M [S]Lots
Posted 7 years ago

@Theory: Ugh why does everyone get to go to the gym lol I'm jealous. I want to go to the gym, I need to lose some fat.
Np ^-^
Np ^-^

Posted in So light em up up up
Posted 7 years ago

@Tuijp: Yeah, but I still don't want to be rude because I don't think he means to make me uncomfortable.

Posted in So light em up up up
Posted 7 years ago

@Tuijp: I'm shy and I don't want to be rude. I already told my parents about them (mainly my mom) and my brother agrees.

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago

@Unicorn: We had to call the police on them once because of what he did to my dad, but it's all good now. Sort of. They didn't get in trouble and we didn't press charges, it's all in the past.
I'm sure they aren't in hiding ;u;
I'm sure they aren't in hiding ;u;

Posted in ~Rainbow Adventure~[B]Serene Royalty+M [S]Lots
Posted 7 years ago

@Panda: Thanks, right now I'm just researching stuff. Then I have to cite my work and stuff. I'm bored too >.<

Posted in So light em up up up
Posted 7 years ago

@Tuijp: He is friendly, but too friendly. To the point where he is creepy. Whenever I am there, he is there. So he sometimes follows me around, but I think he might be special needs or something, that's what it seems like.

Posted in help im.gonna.diieeee
Posted 7 years ago

@Unicorn: Nope, they can only have the attic. I don't really know their full story all I know is if they could they would buy their own house cuz they have a ton of money. But they can't.

Posted in ~Rainbow Adventure~[B]Serene Royalty+M [S]Lots
Posted 7 years ago

@Fade: Perfect it might take a while to add each item because my computer just started to get laggy >.<