Rainbowpanda's posts
Posted in The Strip Club [We're Skinny Dippin]
Posted 7 years ago

@Dread Pirate: hhhhh it's awfuuuuul it's because we are 2 hours away from family. And like an about 30 min- 1 hour+ away from anything at all AND we have no car.

Posted in The Strip Club [We're Skinny Dippin]
Posted 7 years ago

@Luffer Nutter: you got his snap?? But his own child doesn't?? OuO ok. O.K. favoritism right here!

Posted in The Strip Club [We're Skinny Dippin]
Posted 7 years ago

@Dread Pirate: The only vacation thing I did was go to the beach for a couple hours and get ice cream. I've been here since June 16th. I'm leaving on July 1st, can't wait! I've pretty much been babysitting my brothers, cleaning, and just on my phone..nothing to do here. Luckily some of my family is coming tomorrow. My grandpa is coming at 8 tho and I never wake up til like 9-10 >.< And I'm sleeping in the living room. Awkward. Then my cousins and their kids are coming.

Posted in The Strip Club [We're Skinny Dippin]
Posted 7 years ago

@Dread Pirate: True dat
and yes I'm on "vacation" if that's even what you wanna call it. -_- more like another version of my home. I'm literally sleeping on a couch I WANT MY COMFY BED. I honestly have so many complaints rn
and yes I'm on "vacation" if that's even what you wanna call it. -_- more like another version of my home. I'm literally sleeping on a couch I WANT MY COMFY BED. I honestly have so many complaints rn

Posted in Beach Party! Chat and collect shells!
Posted 7 years ago

Ooo yeah natural makeup, I agree!

Posted in Beach Party! Chat and collect shells!
Posted 7 years ago

No makeup. Although it can be fun to put on.. I'm sure you're beautiful without it ^-^ unless you are just wearing it for fun. If I wasn't broke I'd wear foundation and concealer and all that shiz

Posted in The Strip Club [We're Skinny Dippin]
Posted 7 years ago

Phew he better read that. I had to pay people to write those reviews y'know

Posted in Beach Party! Chat and collect shells!
Posted 7 years ago

@Razelie: Great! I'm glad I wasn't late to this party :D
Y'know I'm currently at a beach house. I'm in Yarmouth~ I really thought I would be going to cape cod beach but instead I went to seagull beach. I am literally 2 hours away from my family so it's boring as hell here and there is nothing to do and everything is so far away hnnn
I thought this would be a vacation but instead it's boring and I always have to watch my brothers and clean! Alright mini rant over.
Y'know I'm currently at a beach house. I'm in Yarmouth~ I really thought I would be going to cape cod beach but instead I went to seagull beach. I am literally 2 hours away from my family so it's boring as hell here and there is nothing to do and everything is so far away hnnn
I thought this would be a vacation but instead it's boring and I always have to watch my brothers and clean! Alright mini rant over.

Posted in The Strip Club [We're Skinny Dippin]
Posted 7 years ago

The Strip Club
Rated: R
Inappropriate content: Stripping, Cussing, and who knows what else when dread is in charge
(Don't do drugs kids)
About movie: You'll find everything in this movie. It'll make life so much clearer. This is what you've been missing out on, this is what you've been looking for. 10/10 would recommend ;)
Rated: 5/5 tomatoes
Tanya: Great movie! I watched it with my kids and all they could do was keep their eyes open for a whole MONTH! They couldn't shut them! Isn't that great!? They've learned to listen!
Shean: I loved it...great, great, .... Mhm greeeat. Bone: Dread is my favorite character!!! So smexy!!
Tiffy: I'd have to agree with most of these reviews, I would recommend. Even for children! Especially for children! It's a great way to learn more about the human body! WHO NEEDS SCHOOL AHAHA HAHAHAHAHA AHABQIAHQHQH *Cough* IM TOTALLY FINE!!
Rated: R
Inappropriate content: Stripping, Cussing, and who knows what else when dread is in charge
(Don't do drugs kids)
About movie: You'll find everything in this movie. It'll make life so much clearer. This is what you've been missing out on, this is what you've been looking for. 10/10 would recommend ;)
Rated: 5/5 tomatoes
Tanya: Great movie! I watched it with my kids and all they could do was keep their eyes open for a whole MONTH! They couldn't shut them! Isn't that great!? They've learned to listen!
Shean: I loved it...great, great, .... Mhm greeeat. Bone: Dread is my favorite character!!! So smexy!!
Tiffy: I'd have to agree with most of these reviews, I would recommend. Even for children! Especially for children! It's a great way to learn more about the human body! WHO NEEDS SCHOOL AHAHA HAHAHAHAHA AHABQIAHQHQH *Cough* IM TOTALLY FINE!!

Posted in Beach Party! Chat and collect shells!
Posted 7 years ago

@Razelie: I've never been invited to a beach party before!! Or any party!! People always send birds to give me my invitation but they always get lost along the way >.< So I end up coming at the end of the party! It's never any fun!

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago

Pffffttt hahahahahhahaahaha 19 *wheeze* hhhhh :vanora_sweat: :vanora_xd: :vanora_cry:

Posted in Beach Party! Chat and collect shells!
Posted 7 years ago

Oh my glob..am I finally invited to a party??

Posted in ~Rainbow Adventure~[B]Serene Royalty+M [S]Lots
Posted 7 years ago

May I buy all of them from you pwwweeeease?? I'll trade or buy with volts! Only using past ei's to trade and depends on what you want, it has to be fair :)

Posted in wOw FrEe VoLTS ITT
Posted 7 years ago

Not only free volts but free shells! Wooo