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This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@RoseyWitch: Lol yeah he is stubborn sometimes but so is everyone else in my family.
I just don't want him to get hurt.
@Teemo: OMG FR LUCKYYY! I made this chocolate out of chocolate chips (semi-sweet). I made a football, football helmet, basketball hoop, basketball, baseball, baseball bat, soccer ball, and cleats. Lol I shared all of them.
@Panda: So close to 2k pages
I asked why u wanted to know about my event items ;u;
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

*runs to get it*
Posted in Looking to buy some art :3 Posted 7 years ago
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@GuttedBunny: xD me too! So much haha

Aw I see you put the drawing in your siggy, thank you
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@RoseyWitch: Thanks Rosey
It does sort of bother me. I just think he needs a break every now and then. Just the fact that he does construction work (sort of) and he climbs onto roofs and stuff. I feel like he is going to fall off again.
@Vengeance: That's good ^-^
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@pixiebuns: xD aw how adorable!
Posted in Looking to buy some art :3 Posted 7 years ago
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@GuttedBunny: Nice.
I now have math and science left. 2 things in math (only 1 hard assignment) and 3 in Science, exams, essays, assessments.
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@vengeance: How ya doin :P
@Teemo: SNACKS!!!
@pixiebuns: xD aww kitty cat!
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@star2000shadow: You don't have 500 volts? ;u;
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

Hey Vengeance!
@Panda: Huehuehue why do u want to know hmm
@RoseyWitch: Yeah I agree because animals are comforting
Yeah she will never forget.
She definitely did. My dad already had surgery on his eyes but it is getting to the point where he is almost completely blind. There will be something in front of him and he won't see it. He has completely lost his side vision.
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@Teemo: Hello Teemo hehe
@pixiebuns: Ah okie.
That one is so cute! I love the rainbow!
@RoseyWitch: It is, and worst part is her mom left her when she was 4. She left her on the sidewalk, but her grandma took her in. She lived a better life, and she lived on a farm. Had dogs, cats, horses, etc.
She was also raped when she was like 16 or 17. She and my dad have had tough lives. My dad's mom was blind so she never got to see him, and she ended up dying. My dad is starting to turn out like her too though. He is losing his vision.
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@pixiebuns: How much are you selling those purses for? They are super cute.
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@chai: Okay then I can show you just gotta pull it up!
Hello, I’m Carbon, and I was discovered by Lavoisier in 3750 BC. Yes, I am super old on the outside, but still young on the inside. I am the most versatile element, and my name comes from the Latin word “carbo” meaning coal. I have 3 naturally occurring isotopes. I know you want to get to know me better, so let’s talk a little bit more about me. After all, I do admire myself.

I can be found just about anywhere in living cells. There are some rude people out there that think I am boring, but I can do so many things. I absolutely appreciate the people that do love me for what I can do though. My natural sources are decomposition as well as ocean release and respiration. This is not all there is to know about me, continue to read more about me!

My density is 2.2670, and my electronegativity is 2.55.

That's all xD
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@pixiebuns: IKR YAY!
@RoseyWitch: I am still stressed out a lot.
Yeah it really is :( People don't accept her for who she is. It't not her fault although she likes to take it out on us sometimes. Her parents did drugs and drank a lot.
Posted in Lina's Event Art -FULL Posted 7 years ago
This is Candy Corn. and this is Gala

@Lina: That is exactly what I wanted, tysm!
Btw the volts have been added