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@chai: Mhm I wonder what the next rare item will be eek!!
@Boss Rimi: Too late *bleh*

@dragoness129: oh but still lol

@dragoness129: IKR!!
@ishoji: Ik I should, I am sure you are not actually old lol
Psshh trust me, not getting any taller. Doctor said 5 ft xD
I think I'm 5'1" idk

@dragoness129: Oh my gosh that's creepy xD

@Paranoia: oh geez xD do it!
Aw okay bye :(

@ishoji: Lol well I'm 15. So I'm still considered a child. I stay up late every night and wake up early every morning. Can't help it.
My mom doesn't know I have my phone, but my dad does and he's fine with it.

@chai: me too and the new rare item ahhhh

@Paranoia: omg same xD

@superbearwars: Yeah it's tough >.<

@chai: For this event or next month?
@Boss Rimi: *dies of hunger*

@superbearwars: Me too, in like a couple hours probably. I'm too tired and I'll just be even more hungry.
@Paranoia: Ahh laundry. Something I need to do xD

@Lithinel: Thanks :)

@ishoji: Ahh okay you just seemed like you were young yet so mature.
Because u said u have to sneak on ur phone and that's what I have to do lol

@superbearwars: I'm tired lol, you?