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@Wildfire: I use to live in Florida, but I'm in Maryland. So still on the East Coast.

Oh crafting sounds fun and getting a burger.
@Wildfire: Yeah, it was a hassle to install the mailbox the first time, so a second time wouldn't be fun. After a few inches of topsoil it's all clay and sand, so maybe that's why it stayed so well.

I will know tomorrow, I hope. How is your weekend going?
Posted in Favorite Apple Varieties Posted 2 years ago
Pink Lady or Gala apples for me.
@Mathonwy: I'll have to look into it one day. I work so much, that most of my time for reading, is just online comics.
@Mathonwy: Oh. I've not heard of that story.
@Mathonwy: What story or book where you reading?

@CooperationIsKey: I only have a kitchenaid, cause it was agift. I love them so much. It makes baking cheesecakes so much easier.
@Mathonwy: Oh I hate when I run out of time and have to stop midstory. Then all night or day you are worried about what happened in the story.

I hope you get to find out soon what happened.
@Mathonwy: Oh, I tend to hide during family gatherings as well. I have two very hyper active nieces that demand we follow all their whims. I'm working on my profile for a roleplay and just hanging out at home.
@Mathonwy: So whatcha up to?
@Mathonwy: No problem. I hope it helps and it's always nice to share the wealth.

@Wildfire: Right? That thing is the superhero of mailboxes.
@Mathonwy: Thank you. I used to be on a site called Menewsha, and my avi there has never not been Raven from TT. So it's a nostalgia avi.

So how are you today?
@Mathonwy: Hello dear! Welcome to Voltra. How you stumbled upon Voltra, sounds exactly what I did. I was like I miss avi sites, so let me find one.
@Wildfire: Right? I still don't get it, but I guess that's how cars are made now. Yet the mailbox still stands, and you'd never thought it was hit. It's like a testament of strength.
@Wildfire: I hope not, but I didn't hear from them today. I'm so upset over it, because I backed up into the mailbox cause the fog was so bad, and I thought at first I just damaged the sidemirror, but so how even thought my front didn't hit the box, the front bumper broke and tore up. Which is odd, but my mailbox, she be strong and standing.