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Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Everything tbh lol

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: You wouldn't know it by looking at her! She's sort of excitable lol

Posted in Unicorns selling and buying Posted 5 years ago

Raver, Gone Batty, & Faerie Queen for 15.5k?? C:

@Unicorn: Oh, thanks for the heads up! C:

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: She'll be 70 this year, I believe.

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: She lives with us. She can't do a lot of things by herself, so we take care of her. Our town is pretty small, but there's still lots to do in the towns around us. I mean, she can still drive, and if she has her walker, she can walk around without help. She just needs to have her oxygen tank and her walker doubles as a chair for her to sit in when she gets tired. The only thing really keeping her here is the inconvenience of needing to refill her oxygen tanks.

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Yeah. She doesn't usually go on trips these days. I think the most she can manage is a day in town when her retirement check comes in.

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: It's alright, she's had it for as long as I can remember ^^; if she had a better, more portable oxygen supply, it wouldn't be an issue. The only problem is she needs to be able to refill her oxygen tanks, and her oxygen stations that she refills her tanks with are too big to travel with. There are oxygen supplies that make their own oxygen, but their expensive, and I don't think her insurance would cover it either.

Posted in ♥ Vintage Roses -♥- Let's Chat ♥ Posted 5 years ago

@Totalanimefan: Nah, it's chronic illness. She has COPD, so she needs her oxygen tanks to help her breath.

@inatlaka: I sure would!!

@inatlaka: Yuppers, send trade!

@inatlaka: No prob!!

@inatlaka: Absolutely, send trade C:

@Starlight: Sure, send trade! C: