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Posted in Sentient's Art Projects [Free Pixel Art] Posted 3 years ago
This is my gallery on Voltra, but I also do art freebies here.
I'll draw 1-2 pixel arts per person. So far, these pixel arts should be easy to turn into discord emojis if you want to use them for your server.

I draw all my pixel art with a mouse on the drawing app at now.
My account there is Rune-Arcana
My DA is SentientLight

@Sentient Light:

Name you want on art, if any?
What size? [Up to 400x400. Highly recommend 100x100 for emojis]
What do you want drawn? [OCs welcome, also, please give me several things to pick from.]
Sprite, chibi, face, bust, or full body? [Remember, the size you pick will be important for what type you request]
Optional survey question: Would you buy this kind of art, and if so, for how much?

Posted in How many Volts do you have? Posted 3 years ago
Posted in What are you currently reading? Posted 3 years ago
A book on resumes.
Posted in Sentient's Lighthouse [Freebies!] Posted 3 years ago
Posted in Sentient's Lighthouse [Freebies!] Posted 3 years ago
I do art freebies and divinations for people that stop by.
A sample of my pixel art is in my signature.
I'll draw up to 400x400.
Btw, I don't draw anything with buttons. At best I might alter it, but I prefer to avoid it.
Right now I might actually prefer to try drawing OCs.

As for divinations, I have a few tarot decks, I have some oracle decks, haikubes, might do "crystal ball" scrying or tea leaves.
Eventually I'll do runes and black mirror scrying.
I think I might read best with playing cards though.

Posted in Sentient Lite Posted 3 years ago
i surprised myself.
its definitely easy for me to overshare, and then im like, i put that out there like that?
i dont regret it, per se, but..
it just startles me to remember i might have said something potentially embarrassing.
Posted in Sentient's Lighthouse [Freebies!] Posted 3 years ago
A lighthouse stands on a lone island in the middle of seemingly nowhere.
Waves crash against the cliff face.
The night is lit only by stars, moon, and the beacon coming from the lighthouse on the top of the cliff.
Sentient stokes its fire, keeping it lit at all times.

For those lost in unfamiliar territory, a guiding light can be a comfort.
May this be a place where you can find yourself, and also know you're not alone here.

Please keep in mind a few things before you bring your boat to shore.

I am not socially graceful by any means. I'm a healer, but sometimes a wound must hurt before it can get better.
I have a serious and thoughtful disposition.
I have a solid filter.
In fact, I'm a neutral good kind of person.

I'm occasionally snarky and intellectually mischievous, but never malicious.
I question people's intentions, and their abilities, but I also support their freedoms and their dreams.
I don't believe everything I think, and though my thoughts effect me, they do not define me.

What I'm saying is, mileage will vary with having a good rapport with me.
I say what I feel NEEDS to be said unless I observe they aren't ready to hear the truth.
This comes from an idealistic viewpoint, but also from the point of view of the problem-solver.

This isn't just a safe place. Its a place of healing.
Taking a good hard look at yourself in the clear pool of self-reflection.
Taking a swim in its warm, nourishing, waters.
Purifying body and mind. Heart and soul.

So settle in if you will, and know I'm not good at small talk.
Ironically I probably need to "lighten" up. Lol.
Posted in Do you think she's comfortable? Posted 3 years ago
She looks comfortable.
Posted in Sentient Lite Posted 3 years ago
i want to get through this accounting video on youtube but the whole topic is so painful.
well, no pain, no gain, right?
Posted in Sentient Lite Posted 3 years ago
I am tired of wanting to date. cant i just feel satisfied with the experiences ive already had?
what will it take for me to break this habit of wanting a relationship?
Posted in Sentient Lite Posted 3 years ago
When you look away
You really see "me"
You say I see you
but can that really be?
you're indecipherable
a real enigma
you teach me so brilliantly
even despite all the stigma
that glare in your eyes
the evil smile
who do i love?
and who should i revile?
it feels like a riddle
my answer's in the lines
i dont have to wander aimless
or be punished for any crime

love the person/people in front of you in the present.

a question that popped into my mind was "did i love him enough?"
maybe ive loved him too much.
Posted in Sentient Lite Posted 3 years ago
Maybe I'll:

-write poetry
-copy-paste stuff randomly.
-insult my own intelligence for giggles
-pick apart arguments i can't say out loud because it might hurt the person's feelings [names redacted, of course.]
-psychoanalyze myself
-hype myself up about new plans or projects id like to complete but feel demotivated to work on.
-make checklists

Posted in Sentient Lite Posted 3 years ago
Just being dumb, I guess.

Posted in Hi. Posted 3 years ago
Thank you all for the welcomes.