Shark's posts
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
Oh my gosh it's already 50 here. o: I totally missed it.

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Eyy what's goin on?

Posted in » Angelic + Demonic Sets « Come Show Off!
Posted 7 years ago
Ooh I'd love to see some spooky stuff.

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
It's fun trying to guess. I figure that the Sound realm likes to have fun, so using magic helps. xD

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Ahhh, I'd say 's been long enough, yeah?
If you guessed Velvet, ding ding, enjoy your points.
She's barely legal to drink, so I guess she's the baby.
She acts like it sometimes, too
Vivienne is barely older, so good try if that was your guess.
's see, what's another good one...
I got an idea for a two parter, so how about I'll give you points for each answer? Both answers are worth points, and I'll say you can even get half right and get the points for that half even if you get the other half wrong, yeah?
The realms developed pretty weirdly after the Fracture--there's a realm that barely has any magic at all, and also a realm where it's strange to find a citizen who doesn't use it on the regular. Can you figure out which realm is which?
I'll even give you a hint and remind you that the four realms are Electric, Metal, Sound, and Ice--just in case you aren't familiar.
Ahhh, I'd say 's been long enough, yeah?
If you guessed Velvet, ding ding, enjoy your points.
She's barely legal to drink, so I guess she's the baby.
She acts like it sometimes, too
Vivienne is barely older, so good try if that was your guess.
's see, what's another good one...
I got an idea for a two parter, so how about I'll give you points for each answer? Both answers are worth points, and I'll say you can even get half right and get the points for that half even if you get the other half wrong, yeah?
The realms developed pretty weirdly after the Fracture--there's a realm that barely has any magic at all, and also a realm where it's strange to find a citizen who doesn't use it on the regular. Can you figure out which realm is which?
I'll even give you a hint and remind you that the four realms are Electric, Metal, Sound, and Ice--just in case you aren't familiar.
Hmmm. I'll say Ice and then Sound.

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Whoo I have 5 points. xD Nice.

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
C'mon you buncha slackers, let's get to some trivia. Get some work done eh?
Here's a tricky one for ya:
Which one of our NPCs is the youngest?
C'mon you buncha slackers, let's get to some trivia. Get some work done eh?
Here's a tricky one for ya:
Which one of our NPCs is the youngest?
I'm gonna guess you, Vyctor!

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
Ooh we're so close to the 50 page mark. o: Now to get those other threads close. xD

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Okay, so ... I don't know what weird fantasies you all have about Vanora in your mind in order to think she likes using a whip, but I don't judge. I'll just keep my distance from you guys, yeah?
Anyway, Vanora's always got a sword. So if you said anything like a cutlass or a katana, I'll give you the point. Though I don't know why you had to be all super specific ... good job for creativity, I guess?
My next question is this, though, and it has to deal with that damn pun-loving Valentina, unfortunately ...
What's her favorite color from the 25 colors of Voltra?
Okay, so ... I don't know what weird fantasies you all have about Vanora in your mind in order to think she likes using a whip, but I don't judge. I'll just keep my distance from you guys, yeah?
Anyway, Vanora's always got a sword. So if you said anything like a cutlass or a katana, I'll give you the point. Though I don't know why you had to be all super specific ... good job for creativity, I guess?
My next question is this, though, and it has to deal with that damn pun-loving Valentina, unfortunately ...
What's her favorite color from the 25 colors of Voltra?

Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
I need to get out and do things but I feel so lazy. x__x

Posted in closed
Posted 7 years ago
My cats are playing with newspaper right now. They like when I cover them with it. xD

Posted in Autumn Block Party, New Commons, and More!
Posted 7 years ago
I can't wait to see what those new CIs are gonna be! Thank you for the update. :D

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
I think the whip answer was a good one. o:

Posted in Vyctor's Trivia Contest [Autumn Block Party]
Posted 7 years ago
Man, this shipment is taking forever to put away, but I don't want to leave you guys without a new question for too long. I don't suppose you guys would mind very much if I drop a new question for you, and update the scoreboard this evening, yeah? I'll find the motivation soon, scouts honor.
...What do you mean, I was never a scout?
Anyway, if you guessed Ice Realm, ding ding~ You can add those points to your personal head count for now. Ice people are all about their tests and schools and all--doesn't that sound boring?
Let's see...
Let's do another one you guess have to guess at, yeah? Voltra has a lot of kinda dangerous critters that Static and Frizz protect us from, but it's always smart to bring a weapon you know how to use if you're goin' to venture outside the city's walls. You might have seen Static with his staff--I hear he sold some of those to some early volties, even.
What weapon do you think Vanora prefers?
Man, this shipment is taking forever to put away, but I don't want to leave you guys without a new question for too long. I don't suppose you guys would mind very much if I drop a new question for you, and update the scoreboard this evening, yeah? I'll find the motivation soon, scouts honor.
...What do you mean, I was never a scout?
Anyway, if you guessed Ice Realm, ding ding~ You can add those points to your personal head count for now. Ice people are all about their tests and schools and all--doesn't that sound boring?
Let's see...
Let's do another one you guess have to guess at, yeah? Voltra has a lot of kinda dangerous critters that Static and Frizz protect us from, but it's always smart to bring a weapon you know how to use if you're goin' to venture outside the city's walls. You might have seen Static with his staff--I hear he sold some of those to some early volties, even.
What weapon do you think Vanora prefers?
Maybe she likes a Katana? xD