Shieldman's posts
Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Ahh, the greatest bane of days off... boredom. Well if you haven't yet, I suggest taking a nap, and then working on learning something. It sounds dull but you might have fun after a while!
@Totalanimefan: Doing alright. Another long day at the office, but the overtime pay is worth it. You?
@Totalanimefan: Doing alright. Another long day at the office, but the overtime pay is worth it. You?

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: It's called an "I told you so" to management.
I've had that happen a couple of times, and honestly, I think it's a little nicer than a full day off. You get up and get energized for the workday, but then you're already out of the house and ready to do things, so I always end up being way more productive on unexpected half-days.
@Totalanimefan: Thank you so much!!

@Totalanimefan: Thank you so much!!

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Oh man lmao, no thank you. If I'm staying home, it's not because I don't just trust my driving. Most people can't drive on a good day
Do you have a position that can work from home? Or is it a self-imposed snow day?

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Ohhh okay. Yeah I live in the northeast US so it's pretty much Winter Central up here. Big mood on the icy roads. The only time I've ever been in an accident was because of ice, that stuff's no joke. We get blizzards up here like nobody's business, like 5mph on the highway because you can't see two feet in front of your car kind of deal.

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Oh, it's 10:30ish here! Though I have to get up a ton earlier for work and stuff, so I've been up for a few hours now (against my will...) I relate on that hating the weather part. It's so cold here all the time and I feel like jerky from how dry it gets too.

Posted in [ Tʜᴇ Iʀᴏɴ Bᴀsᴛɪᴏɴ ]
Posted 2 years ago

The wind is high over these blasted lands. The thin rays of a feeble sun do little to abate its chill. A rusted door creaks heavily on its belabored hinges, the weight of time and disuse fighting every inch it turns. Despite its exterior, the other side of the door is well-kept, a lacquer of resin over a hand-carved wooden face offering a stark difference to its battered front. The room beyond is spartan. Only a few chairs and a small table adorn the otherwise empty space, all atop a threadbare rug sporting a pattern from one of the far-off kingdoms that crumbled many years hence. It isn't much, but it doesn't need to be: this is the Iron Bastion, the safest place in the Northern Saltwastes.
Hello! Welcome to a little home away from home. Standard hangout rates apply, etc etc. I myself will only be here during the day on weekdays, but I'll always get back to you if I miss your post!
Some things I'm interested in, and by extension, stuff to chat about:
* Video games (Warframe, Pokémon, Terraria, Rimworld, and plenty of others)
* Card games (Magic the Gathering primarily, but I love hearing about all sorts!)
* Writing/Roleplaying
* Any sort of creative endeavor (art, music, whatever)
* M E M E S
So yeah, go nuts! Everyone is welcome in the Iron Bastion - yes, even you.

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: A salutations from morning in my time zone!

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@Hydrangea: oh my god no you're totally fine!! I was expressing my admiration of your excellent choice. I should try that sometime. It'd start my day off in a way that nothing could ruin tbh.

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@Hydrangea: It doesn't matter how I'm doing because I could never HOPE to even top the decadence that is carbonara for breakfast. I'm MAD jelly lmao
@MimikyuToo: I'm actually out the door now! Gonna go home and have some of my gf's homemade meatloaf
She makes it with extra ketchup and a couple other things so it's actually super sweet and light.
@MimikyuToo: I'm actually out the door now! Gonna go home and have some of my gf's homemade meatloaf

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Oh good! Coffee is basically like tea, except angrier. And my day's been long. I'm looking forward to going home and eating dinner, I've been starving all day. Hopefully yours has been going better!
@Hydrangea: ohai! Same to you! I love your colors
@Hydrangea: ohai! Same to you! I love your colors

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: I can never fault anyone for taking a nap. That's the grandest luxury in all of life.
If it's for sick reasons, though, then I hope it's just something mild! If you're a tea drinker, now is your excuse to go ham on that good hot leaf juice.
If it's for sick reasons, though, then I hope it's just something mild! If you're a tea drinker, now is your excuse to go ham on that good hot leaf juice.

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Well like I said! I love the design a lot and it just looked plain fun to draw. (Which it was!)

Posted in MimikyuToo's Derpy Hangout
Posted 2 years ago
@MimikyuToo: Of course!!! I'm glad you like it!! Consider it repayment for the items

Posted in AAY Pokemon Type
Posted 2 years ago
Ghost / Psychic, though an argument could be made for mono-Psychic.