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Think of the silver lining lol, you now can make excuses if you ever get late for work

that sounds like a good enough reason not to drive to me, bear x'l;;; I don't think I'd ever drive again after an accident, oops. I get super duper anxious whenever I make a mistake, especially something of that caliber

.....ouch, I feel for you sly;;;

Honestly Lance wrapping his many tentacle arms around me, thats the way I would want to die

@panda: Omg, I'm definitely glad I don't have to deal with customers doing that anymore, just residents at an old folks home for me. XD They can be cranky sometimes, but I can usually figure out how to keep them calm. I don't really miss the retail/fast food life OTL

@pixiebuns: As you should be!! :0 I'll definitely lurk the shop for a while. I don't buy a lot from etsy, but its another thing when I actually chat with the person behind it. XD

;w; I appreciate it <333
I was just trying something new, bored of the black/white avi lolol

Aw D: Yeah I walk a lot, I used to walk more. Like 30 minutes to get to my old job..
Lol, right? I'm pretty sure Lance wouldn't let me leave even if I wanted to XD

@pixiebuns: +w+ >favs site to look at later< That's alright!! You make a lot of pretty stuff.. I don't have an IG but I have the other two. Thanks for linking it!! :0 I'm excited to see what you come out with!

@panda: ....//cry It sounds like you seem to enjoy it, but I just couldn't imagine XD

I believe in you though!! That determination is key!!


I shooould be driving but also it's not like an immediate need. XD My work is a block away from my house...

I don't think I'd come back home for a while if I could teleport, omg. Lance would never get rid of me and I mean it

@panda: Omg. XD I don't think I could handle working that much, I'm lazy asf and don't have to provide for myself yet

i am suuuuuper anxious when it comes to it, i'm 22 now and still dont have it XD;;

..o-omg?? that looks amazing.. i dunno how shop linking works, maybe like a pm? but i'd love to buy something like that, I need a purse for work. XD

@panda: D: oh no! lance's manager is quitting and she got moved up to assistant manager, so she's gonna get a ton of hours out of nowhere OTL

@Panda: it's nice to be here!! :D I think Lance is winding down for bed, she has to open her work in the morning. OTL

Get the pizza, don't eat candy like me ;A; I should eat real food but I keep forgetting to feed myself

Lol I just... need to learn how to drive. #eventually
If teleportation was a thing then the king would never get rid of me

@alia starchild: Good >:3 My vocabulary is 98% compliments I can't say much else

@pixiebuns: Sounds relaxing! XD What sorta thing are you makin'?

Hey Bear!! I'm ok, just recovering from eating an entire thing of skittles in one sitting

kind of sums up my life actually

XD I think they'd put some limitations on teleporting to make it like.. hard to do naughty things with. >w>