Siron's posts
Posted in Mods, Glitches and other wacky adventures!
Posted 7 years ago
@Another Movie Addict: omg haha, perhaps having you build them their own bedroom was their plan all along!
Tbh, speaking about minecraft, boi the stuff that happened on there, i can write pages about them.
We (a group i was playing with) build a nether portal once, and once in there we used another to get out
somehow it ended up in some mod/admin's lair
i don't think we ever noped out of somewhere that quick
It was nerve wrecking, using the portals :'D
Tbh, speaking about minecraft, boi the stuff that happened on there, i can write pages about them.
We (a group i was playing with) build a nether portal once, and once in there we used another to get out
somehow it ended up in some mod/admin's lair
i don't think we ever noped out of somewhere that quick
It was nerve wrecking, using the portals :'D

Posted in ~Siron buys~
Posted 7 years ago
Hi there!
Right now I'm looking to buy
ok this is quite old lol at this point one might be better off checking my questing thread
-Alice (gotta save up though)
Yes, Dark master
Serene royalty
Alchemist (and a bunch more cause went on hiatus for a bit and there's so much cool stuff aahhh)
Soulmate strings
I mean there's more but let me first get these out of the way ;o;
You can always try if you spot something in my questing thread though (:
Please name your price!
In case of being offered to buy several items, depending on your price i might have to do some more posting
( I'll let you know should that be the case though)
I'm not aware of prices/how quick prices change around here, so please keep it fair haha. ^^;
For people interested I also have a :
Again, looking for these items mentioned here foremost (:
[open to post]
Right now I'm looking to buy
ok this is quite old lol at this point one might be better off checking my questing thread

-Alice (gotta save up though)
Yes, Dark master
Serene royalty
Alchemist (and a bunch more cause went on hiatus for a bit and there's so much cool stuff aahhh)
Soulmate strings
I mean there's more but let me first get these out of the way ;o;
You can always try if you spot something in my questing thread though (:
Please name your price!
In case of being offered to buy several items, depending on your price i might have to do some more posting

( I'll let you know should that be the case though)
I'm not aware of prices/how quick prices change around here, so please keep it fair haha. ^^;
For people interested I also have a :
Again, looking for these items mentioned here foremost (:
[open to post]

Posted in last minute mushroom rush?
Posted 7 years ago
Rushes in to collect more mrushrooms 
Hi everyone~

Hi everyone~

Posted in We reached 1000!
Posted 7 years ago
@Luffer Nutter: Ah im really curious about what it's gonna be!
Think it might have something to do with the event? /the theme, i mean/
Think it might have something to do with the event? /the theme, i mean/

Posted in Is there a profile coding guide?
Posted 7 years ago
@Elithiya: Oh the second one seems really promising info-wise
(the other seems a little inactive, rip)
Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to look through that one first!
(the other seems a little inactive, rip)
Thanks a lot! I'll be sure to look through that one first!

Posted in Is there a profile coding guide?
Posted 7 years ago
I figured this was the right forum to post this (apologies if that's not the case)
But I have no idea how profile coding works and wondered if there's a guide somewhere?
It mentions CSS but I have absolutely no knowledge of it whatsoever :'D
I mean i tried the inspect page things and mess with things, and stuff happened and i still have no idea what did what
Also no idea how to 'translate' it so it actually works on profiles haha.
/gasps at some of the amazing profiles on here/
Anyone able to help fellow CSS newbie(S) out?
But I have no idea how profile coding works and wondered if there's a guide somewhere?
It mentions CSS but I have absolutely no knowledge of it whatsoever :'D
I mean i tried the inspect page things and mess with things, and stuff happened and i still have no idea what did what

Also no idea how to 'translate' it so it actually works on profiles haha.
/gasps at some of the amazing profiles on here/
Anyone able to help fellow CSS newbie(S) out?

Posted in Zombie Apocalypse and mental illness
Posted 7 years ago
And how they'd deal with it would not only depend on what theyre dealing with but also on the person themselves
even without meds some can cope better with it than others?
It can either help in their advantage or lead to an early demise, depending on lots of different factors i suppose?
also i love this topic, i have a weakness for all things having to do with apocalyptic scenarios
even without meds some can cope better with it than others?
It can either help in their advantage or lead to an early demise, depending on lots of different factors i suppose?
also i love this topic, i have a weakness for all things having to do with apocalyptic scenarios

Posted in Zombie Apocalypse and mental illness
Posted 7 years ago
OH interesting topic!
But like some said, in those situations it's hard to figure out since most of the people kinda go crazy
so things they struggled with before might not be as apparent cause it might be written of as 'normal behavior caused by the apocalypse' basically
Also i don't know if you count PTSD as such but, even though not mentioned directly, im pretty sure they 'show' it quite often.
Or idk some kind of paranoid personality disorder?
A lot of them might just be developed throughout the apocalypse though, but it's hard to tell.
Others might be mentioned/shown but only subtly? Sometimes it can be made out from their behavior i guess, but if that's always an accurate representation? yeah that's questionable.
But like some said, in those situations it's hard to figure out since most of the people kinda go crazy
so things they struggled with before might not be as apparent cause it might be written of as 'normal behavior caused by the apocalypse' basically
Also i don't know if you count PTSD as such but, even though not mentioned directly, im pretty sure they 'show' it quite often.
Or idk some kind of paranoid personality disorder?
A lot of them might just be developed throughout the apocalypse though, but it's hard to tell.
Others might be mentioned/shown but only subtly? Sometimes it can be made out from their behavior i guess, but if that's always an accurate representation? yeah that's questionable.

Posted in Lucifer Cancelled - Update
Posted 7 years ago
that moment you were planning on watching that show :(
sports though?? that's beyond bad, no decent show should have to make place for, well, sports. x.x
Any chance the show will get saved by someone?
sports though?? that's beyond bad, no decent show should have to make place for, well, sports. x.x
Any chance the show will get saved by someone?

Posted in We reached 1000!
Posted 7 years ago
@Luffer Nutter: Yeah that bunny is adorable ! ;o;
I wonder when the staff will make a topic about it, if they do o:
(for the fact we reached it i mean haha, i haven't been here for that long so idk if that's usual?)
@Glume: same!
I wonder when the staff will make a topic about it, if they do o:
(for the fact we reached it i mean haha, i haven't been here for that long so idk if that's usual?)
@Glume: same!

Posted in We reached 1000!
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Guess i'll be keeping an eye out on that post/signature style 
@c u t e s u: imagine if the 2000 by new year happened at midnight haha

@c u t e s u: imagine if the 2000 by new year happened at midnight haha

Posted in We reached 1000!
Posted 7 years ago
@Queen Prisma: Yay indeed! :D
(also cute pixels in your post/sig!)
Onward to the next milestone!
and also good night everyone! I'm sleepy but i still wanted to mention this haha
(also cute pixels in your post/sig!)
Onward to the next milestone!
and also good night everyone! I'm sleepy but i still wanted to mention this haha

Posted in We reached 1000!
Posted 7 years ago
This thread was locked due to inactivity, if you wish to unlock your thread please issue a ticket. Instructions to unlock thread found here.

[i didn't spot a topic like this yet, so sorry if there's a duplicate somewhere!]

[i didn't spot a topic like this yet, so sorry if there's a duplicate somewhere!]

Posted in 2 More users
Posted 7 years ago
GUYS we reached 1000!!