Snakeweaver's posts
Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago
73 sea shells x3

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Sulley: XD Well I identify as a sea snake, so it would be a bit weird if I didn't like them~
@Nephila: Do you have a favorite sea snake~?
@Rallaa: The higher class tended to insult things relating to the poor. The potato used to be synonymous with being the base of or the only thing a poor person would have in their diet. I think that's how it originally got ts bad wrap and it sorta just continued on into modern times.
@Theory: That and those who haven't suffered don't understand it, as they don't realize that its possible to feel certain ways in certain situations, or that people would do certain things.
@Nephila: Do you have a favorite sea snake~?
@Rallaa: The higher class tended to insult things relating to the poor. The potato used to be synonymous with being the base of or the only thing a poor person would have in their diet. I think that's how it originally got ts bad wrap and it sorta just continued on into modern times.
@Theory: That and those who haven't suffered don't understand it, as they don't realize that its possible to feel certain ways in certain situations, or that people would do certain things.

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Sulley: Sea snakes are so gentle that I think you'd need to go out of your way to get bitten, so I don't see them as dangerous~ XD
@Nephila: Thank you >///>
@Nephila: Thank you >///>

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago
59/75 sea shells x3

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Sulley: Seee? x3 And I think it's adorable too. It's kind of funny how most of them are likely deadly, but they are so chill that the guys not even slightly afraid of poking them~

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago
50 sea shells x3

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Theory: I'm sorry you used to get migraines, I'm glad you don't anymore. I'm not sure its good or bad that you can understand due to your own life experiences xD; Maybe good? Since if one recovers and heals fully from harsh times, i think it helps us become better people o-o
@Rallaa: Potato isn't unhealthy XD Neither is celery. Potatoes just get a bad wrap for being so common and easy to use and being so cheap.
@Sulley: Is it their friendliness?
@Rallaa: Potato isn't unhealthy XD Neither is celery. Potatoes just get a bad wrap for being so common and easy to use and being so cheap.
@Sulley: Is it their friendliness?

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Sulley: Tell me what you think after you see it x3
@mdom: Silly can be second nature? xD
@Nephila: hello!
@mdom: Silly can be second nature? xD
@Nephila: hello!

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Goodness, you're very silly~

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@Sulley: I linked you an island of sea snakes long ago xD

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago
28 sea shells x3

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: Shocked why? Also why did you bring up your mom?
@Roshan: Really? o-o I have a hard time imagining 100 in no time~
@Rallaa: Not even squash or potato? o_o
@Roshan: Really? o-o I have a hard time imagining 100 in no time~
@Rallaa: Not even squash or potato? o_o

Posted in Vyc's Volleyball Tournament [LET'S CELEBRATE!]
Posted 7 years ago
@mdom: How are you?
@Rallaa: You.. used to not like tomato and cucumber? o-o; Well, to each their own? I'm glad you are into tomatoes more these days though~
@Roshan: I could imagine o-o Getting even 100 sea shells can take awhile~
@Rallaa: You.. used to not like tomato and cucumber? o-o; Well, to each their own? I'm glad you are into tomatoes more these days though~
@Roshan: I could imagine o-o Getting even 100 sea shells can take awhile~

Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have
Posted 7 years ago
13 sea shells