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@Winter: You sound adorable already XD Ara ara, haven't earned much volts yet?

@Boss rimi: It's fine to complain though? But I understand of worrying about people kicking up a fuss. I hope everything goes okay, whatever you decide on~

@superbearwars: I'm a gay guy that hasn't been single his entire life, kinda figured gay couples don't create rainbow juice XD
@superbearwars: I don't think gay couples have rainbow juice? XD

@Boss rimi: Why would you take a break?
@superbearwars: If you drag her on will yopu two act adorable together on the forums? X3

@boss rimi: Hello there X3
@superbearwars: Maybe some basic toast, or maybe you just need more fluids in your system? Also, that sounds like a cute and cozy time you are having~
@superbearwars: Yeah XD;; Maybe you mistook my culture as a japanese enthusiast? My step father is Hawaiian, my father is San Franciscian, and My mother is a New Yorker who was raised all over the united states.

I am just up to posting and feeling hungry right now. What are you up to? How do you feel?
@superbearwars: neither XD That's why I was a smidgen confused~
@superbearwars: I do? Ara ara, do I give that sort of impression?
@superbearwars: ahh, that makes sense. Why do you miss using it then?
Posted in Are you dealing with a natural disaster? Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: I don't think a higher tax on non native worms would help, maybe signs on bait shops? Give incentives to return unused bait instead of freeing the worms into the wild. People wont stop wanting the bigger worms, but maybe they could be convinced to not free those worms.

@Vii: I'm glad your area is relatively safe from natural disasters^^
@vengeance: goodnight!

@superbearwars: then why did you do it? o-o
Posted in Are you dealing with a natural disaster? Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: the current fire state of california could have totally been prevented, but the issue is on how. How do we stop fishers from releasing non native worms? How do we boost native worm species? A lot of people don't use the internet, some don't even use televisions.
@superbearwars: ara ara, so you're very new yourself then, ne? I hope we are both able to catch all of their next event. In the meantime, your avatar looks very sunny and nice^^
Posted in Are you dealing with a natural disaster? Posted 7 years ago
@mica: Ahh, well different areas of different countries have different issues, ne? For some reason in the united states, california has it's own 'fire season'. It's less naturally caused though and more like... we have a lot of forested areas, but a lot of our water goes to people and farmers don't have a proper limitation put on the amount of water they can use. As a result, our forests get drier. California is supposed to be generally foggy in the morning, the evidence in this is through the amount of kinds of redwoods we have. A redwood is a kind of tree that gets most of its water from... fog and mist. Also, a lot of our weeds and grasses have trouble due to non native worms. The non native worms don't work the soil the way it needs to be since they are not from the native region, this causes it to create soil conditions for non native plants. This could normally be okay, but a lot of california gets long streaks of no rain, so our native plants are built to handle that. Non native plants and weeds are not built to handle that, making it easier for them to get drier, meaning more flammable. The worm issue is caused by people who enjoy fishing. Many buy bait, use a lot of it, but than release the remaining bait after. A lot of worm bait sold isn't native to their areas, and people usually think -any worm is good for any area-, but that's not how it works at all. Sorry, I talked a bit too long on the topic of how california became a matchstick^^;;;
Posted in Are you dealing with a natural disaster? Posted 7 years ago
@Mica: Oh my o-o Well, I'm glad you're in an okay area at least?

@totalanimefan: You would be surprised, there are a lot of people here not wearing dust masks.