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Posted in Closed. lock pls Posted 6 years ago
@Valefor: Honestly I have so many characters that most will never get updated, only ones that stay with me over the ages. Reid Ghereas image was what reminded me of my character Darius Hun, though why I don't actually know xD Here is an image of him drawn in 2010 [-X-], and here's an image that was drawn either before my DA account existed, or in my DA accounts early years, so it's a smidgen older [-X-].
Posted in Closed. lock pls Posted 6 years ago
@Valefor: I was randomly curious XD One of your characters reminds me of one of my old ones... that I definitely need to redraw as I just realized the most recent art of him was an 'update' art made in 2010 o-o;; oops?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Both questions and I was thinking if I boop that person, it would be in a mention. That seems like a good way to see if someones interested in taking a peek and chatting?
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: Exactly. I hope counselors are expected to be a bit wiser these days, but honestly? I'm unsure if they are expected to be since there are still teachers who will punish four year old girls for wearing something that shows their shoulders, despite that the only other things not covered are the neck and head. .
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: There's no reason to apologize. She wasn't the first, or last to judge me harshly or inaccurately. It's just something that stayed with me simply because I know I'm unusually hardy and unlikely to be the first, or last kid she ever saw and wrongly judged. That's the only reason what she did stays with me. That thought haunts me a bit, especially since she's in a position where most kids would be looking for help from her. Does that make sense? Just thinking of the damage she's possibly done in the name of helping children 'get better'.
Posted in Closed. lock pls Posted 6 years ago
@Valefor: Yes it does XD Now I know. Do you have some of your own characters?
Posted in Lock please Posted 6 years ago
What are some of your WIP? o-o
Posted in Lock please Posted 6 years ago
Hmmm... I've seen people use banners and cute gifs~
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I don't understand your questions, could you explain differently? Sorry, I'm not always good at figuring things out.
Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: I wish I was kidding. I recall in high school, I once told a counselor that I wasn't glaring- I was in pain. She was someone who should have had some amount of basic training to understand how minds work in order for the school to let her counsel kids, right? She should have been able to understand that back then I was forcing my eyes to look as normal as I could at my own expense and pain whenever I could to try to feel more normal. Doing this caused more blinking and eye watering because honestly it likely wasn't healthy. Her reaction when I told her I wasn't glaring though? She called me a liar and said I had social issues. There were multiple physical clues that I was telling the truth, but she never looked for them. Even though I'm 32, I think about that a lot, mainly because I wonder how many other kids who were differently able did she call liars. It's a horrible thing to wonder, but I can't help it.
@LupaPrinceRomulus: The side effects more than sting, but the sight can be pretty darn useful. But also pain. I'd still never change it, even if people often mistake me for being angry or a psycho when I'm wincing in pain. I know another voltra member who also has photophobia who could talk about her experience with it if you wanna hear more?
Posted in Lock please Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: Uhhh well what do others do to make their fronts look pretty?
Posted in Lock please Posted 6 years ago
@MoodyBats: Ahhh, what does make a front page pretty?
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I can in most levels of darkness, but light sensitivity does not make perfectly nocturnal eyes~