Soleil's posts
Posted in Posting know what that means
Posted 6 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: Thanks! I'll look around and see what I can find
Posted in Posting know what that means
Posted 6 years ago
@Hazer: Wow! That's awesome! Thank you so much!! <3
Posted in Posting know what that means
Posted 6 years ago
That's right. I'm a newbie. I was a member of Solia for about 10 years before they switched EVERYTHING up on me and I really hate the newer changes. Because of this, I've been absent from avatar sites almost 2 years. I guess what I'm trying to say is...hello? I guess what I'm trying to say is...hello?
Posted in [Request Thread] Looking for some 1x1
Posted 6 years ago
It's been a few years since I did much rping but I'm eager to get back into it.
I'm willing to play almost any role, with almost any theme.
Let me know what you're craving and we can work something out
I'm willing to play almost any role, with almost any theme.
Let me know what you're craving and we can work something out