Star Valo's posts
Posted in Hey :)
Posted 5 years ago

@Star Valo: Hi welcome! What sites did you use to be on? ^^ I love avatar sites as well and this place is my new home.

@Star Valo: Hi welcome! What sites did you use to be on? ^^ I love avatar sites as well and this place is my new home.
I used to be on Menewsha a lot, that's the one I frequented most. I was on Gaia, Solia, Roliana, and a few others that I can't remember the names on. But Menewhsa was the one I was on most, It's a shame to see it so inactive now, but I guess these things happen
Thank you for the lovely welcome :) Hopefully I'll be around here enough to get to know more people

Posted in Hey :)
Posted 5 years ago
Hello :)
It's been a long time since I joined a new avatar forum, but I've been missing them lately, saw this one and figured I'd come see what it's like :)
I've floated around other ones with the same username, so some people might recognise me? I dunno lol
It's been a long time since I joined a new avatar forum, but I've been missing them lately, saw this one and figured I'd come see what it's like :)
I've floated around other ones with the same username, so some people might recognise me? I dunno lol