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'pokes head in' um..hello 'waves'..whats up? is it warm in here..casue my place is frezzing, i have the heater on 'nods'
Posted in Dip in, have a lurk Posted 6 years ago

'pokes head in wairly' hello folks
Posted in I need... tons of sunscreen! ACK! Posted 6 years ago

@Yandere: i dont' want winter cause that means it gets cold again.. and we're barely even gettign any warm days.. tis been friggen cold since last year. i'v ehad maybe three four days of nice weather so far otherwise its been nothign but COLD..i could so use hot weather..
Posted in Murmaider: LGBTI+ Friendly Posted 6 years ago

'wanders in wairly and looks around' hello 'waves'
Posted in Lazy Days in the Sun Posted 6 years ago

@Taemins Lover: Hello to you to dear 'shivers' im missing heat.. inf act I'd kill for it im thinking when i get the money together me and the roommate needs to move somewhere that its tired of frezzing..
Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have Posted 6 years ago

fourteen seashells for star 'nods'
@Zuzu: whoa i like your post pictures and siggy pic they look awesome..
Posted in I've got Sea Shells! Posted 6 years ago

if taht's how it worked, i'd so go tot he beach in the next town over and scoup up seashells 'nods'. but considering how cold it is outside right now probably not as that means gettign wet.

i have learned that my male cat? Likes to chase the seagulls backa nd forth though ow they can stand being here give how cold it is here 'shudder' its COLD.. 'is sitting infront of heater'
Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have Posted 6 years ago

star is now up to to two seashells after getting the awesome new background 'nods'
Posted in Lazy Days in the Sun Posted 6 years ago

'pokes head in and looks around' hello 'waves'
Posted in Breaker Beach FAQ & Hangout! Posted 6 years ago

@Nephila: I'm cold, cold and more cold. day before yesterday I was having dizzy spells. day before that i was frezzing.. and today isn't any better but im hoping this is due to the fact its COLD out. at least its better then yesterday where iw as so hott hat i had to have the window open. roommate said the apartment was frezzing but i was sweating up a lik a miny fountian was attatched to my ehad an ddripping.
Posted in Salty Sand Castles Posted 6 years ago

'pokes head in and looks around' hello.. 'shivers ifnrotn of heater'
Posted in How many Sea Shells do you have Posted 6 years ago

Star has Fourteen Seashells and has yet to do any of the spash page fun things.. thoughs he knows she sure wants the beach background given how cold it is where she lives.. it hoguth summer was supposed to be hot..
Posted in Hearth and Home: Summer Sun Posted 6 years ago

haha its so great to see so many friends here.. and right now i could so use some fo the warmth.. you know how they say summer is 'hot' well apparently when you are finally able to enjoy the warmth without getting sick I.E. Me, it decides tot urn frezzing for most of the darn summer. its JUNE going into july and it is FREZZING here..sure no snow but.. i'd LIKE some warm weather.