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Posted in Hearth and Home: Down the Rabbit Hole Posted 6 years ago

hehe.. Bruce Wayne? okay that's just.. that's so cute.. 'danananana BAT MAN'
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

two hundred and eighty five 'rubs eyes' wonder what todays item is..'dances in place'
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

two hundred and seventy five, almost to three hundred then i might take a nap as i am TIRED and did not sleep well last night.
Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen] Posted 6 years ago

I'm fighting not to go and take a nap until i reach three hundred 'scrubs eyes' im just so tired, did not sleep welll ast night.
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

two hundred and fifty six 'rubs eyes' ugg it looks so nice out but when i opent he window COLD AIR..
Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

whoa.. love the header to the thread.. looks awesome.
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

two hundred and forty for star 'does happy wiggle' almost there..
i like the fact we can wait, it means i have the chance to earn up the mushrooms for it before it comes out well now that i can sti up long enough to post and su ch.
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

two hundred and thirty three for star 'rubs eyes'
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

but..but you have enough to buy dozens of copy's of the event tiems to sell later.. wh y would you want to reach twenty k i mean tis not like they do roll over currency..?
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

@RainbowPanda: thanks it'll be the first time im actually ahead on something..

two hundred and seventeen 'nods'
Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen] Posted 6 years ago

@RainbowPanda: i got an infection in my leg a few years ago, and it burrowed its way up and out of my leg when they put me on antibiotics, creating a crator in my leg type hole, well tis filled in finally sot hat its a small hole on my leg, but that's jsut not healing fast enough so they did a ultrasound to see what was what and found that some of my veins don't work right. so t hey keep the woudn form healing faster then its been doing. hence why theyhad to go in and close one of the bad veins. nwo that that's doen thei rletting my leg adjsut before they'll go after other veins. but they have to le tmy body adjust to missing a 'vein' its all very complicated and i probably dont' even know the half of it..
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

ohh that's good.. and 'blinks' im up to two hundred and two, YAY on the path tot he next EI's double haha.
Posted in “Have i gone mad?" [Winners chosen] Posted 6 years ago

@RainbowPanda: 'blinks' Yeah..i havent' noticed..and i always have hope, i've been dealign with the hole in my leg for the past four years..well five counting this year..
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

@RainbowPanda: yeah I noticed that..

and One hundred and..eighty seven..haha. sorry forgot the numbers cause is tarted thinkinga bout something else.