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Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

Thirty at the moment, twenty more and i can get the first tiem 'does happy wiggle'
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago

@Tuijp: taht's good, i go in for a small outpatient leg op today 'yawn' not fun but still
Posted in ☆Down The Rabbit Hole ☆ Posted 6 years ago

'rubs eyes' mornign everyone..
Posted in ǝloH ʇᴉqqɐɹ ǝɥʇ uʍop :sʇɹɐʍƃoH Posted 6 years ago

'blinks at title' okay that's pretty cool..
Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st] Posted 6 years ago

I have a whole Thirteen at the moment, but then yesterday was kinda hectic.. how goes everyoens day.
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago

@dragoness129: no not really ..
@Tuijp: and a hello to you as well dear, how goes yoru morning?
Posted in Not a very active bunch. Edited: (sike) Posted 6 years ago

@butterfly: I'm gettign the feeling it might get cancled with how my leg feels 'sigh'
Posted in Shortcut to mushrooms Posted 6 years ago

'pokes head in and blinks' hello..
Posted in Wonderland Event FAQ Posted 6 years ago

well this sounds fun as all heck..
Posted in Not a very active bunch. Edited: (sike) Posted 6 years ago

@butterfly: nwo that is FINALLY starting to warm up im feeling better. though tomarrow I'll probably feel worse as its operation day when they go in and block some arteries that arent' workign righ tin my leg sot hat they stopk letting bad blood flwo back into th elower part of my leg..'rubs face' im not looking forward tot hat. how goes yoru day?
Posted in Not a very active bunch. Edited: (sike) Posted 6 years ago

@butterfly: well theh eat can be pretty bad, but that's what AC's and Fan's where invented for. and frankly I can't wait because im tired of the cold making my joints ache.
Posted in Not a very active bunch. Edited: (sike) Posted 6 years ago

Well at elast summers coming.. i can't wait for warmth..
Posted in That's a water bowl Posted 6 years ago

Heck according to my cats, its the food dish..t hough ocasionally the water bowel will do in a pinch.
Posted in closed forever Posted 6 years ago

@Neko: Your very welcome if i ahd the means I'd so be buying one or more of these 'blush'