Starlight's posts
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Hypothetical Questions
Posted 5 years ago
7. You're now in a youtube group with your best friends, creating genuinely good content together that people love. The problem is - one of the members slowly starts to get more power/money hungry and starts changing the group dynamic, slowly making members leave out of frustration with the path the group dynamic is headed. Would you break off with some of the group members and abandon anyone that doesn't choose to come along or attempt to (and more-than-possibly fail) to bring the dynamic back to its original state?
Well, first of all I would probably try to talk to the member causing the issues. I mean, they're my friend, right? I think I would try to discuss with them how it seems they've changed and also try to figure out why they feel the way they do about things. If the discussion turned out to be unhelpful and the situation couldn't be saved, then I do think I would probably end up breaking off and going with my other friends. Also, I wouldn't really think of it as abandoning the friends that chose to stay because presumably they also would have had the option to leave with us and they simply chose differently. Although, my decision would also depend on how the people in both groups were acting. If either group tried to force me to pick them and cut ties with the other then that would probably make me more likely to pick the other group.
Actually, it reminds me of something that happened at school with my friends once. Usually, we all sat at the same table at lunch, but friend A and friend B fought or something, and most of my friends clearly sided with friend A. It ended up with friend B no longer sitting at our table. However, our school had lunch waves, and if you were on the first lunch wave then you left when the second wave was like halfway done eating. In theory, you were supposed to eat with the people from your lunch wave, but a lot of people would sneak over to their friends once they showed up.
Friend B was part of the first lunch wave, and the rest of us, except for my best friend who was also part of the first wave, were part of the second lunch wave. Instead of sitting with the rest of my friends for the entire lunch, I decided to spend the first half sitting with friend B (and my best friend, who was the only other friend who still sat with her) and then go to my other friends once they left. I was content with that, but then one day friend A asked me why I was still hanging out and sitting with friend B. Also, he asked it in a way that made it seem like he thought it was odd that I was doing that. I just glared at him and told him it was because she was my friend, and he backed down pretty quickly from that line of questioning. However, after hearing that question I realized that if he tried to make me choose between him and her then I would definitely choose her side even if it meant that he might turn our other friends against me too. Friend B was the one getting the short end of the stick, and yet she never once tried to make me choose between her and my other friends, so that was very telling to me. Also, I remember talking about it to my best friend after and her agreeing that she'd side with friend B too if she had to. Luckily, it never came to that and my friends eventually resolved their differences though.
Well, first of all I would probably try to talk to the member causing the issues. I mean, they're my friend, right? I think I would try to discuss with them how it seems they've changed and also try to figure out why they feel the way they do about things. If the discussion turned out to be unhelpful and the situation couldn't be saved, then I do think I would probably end up breaking off and going with my other friends. Also, I wouldn't really think of it as abandoning the friends that chose to stay because presumably they also would have had the option to leave with us and they simply chose differently. Although, my decision would also depend on how the people in both groups were acting. If either group tried to force me to pick them and cut ties with the other then that would probably make me more likely to pick the other group.
Actually, it reminds me of something that happened at school with my friends once. Usually, we all sat at the same table at lunch, but friend A and friend B fought or something, and most of my friends clearly sided with friend A. It ended up with friend B no longer sitting at our table. However, our school had lunch waves, and if you were on the first lunch wave then you left when the second wave was like halfway done eating. In theory, you were supposed to eat with the people from your lunch wave, but a lot of people would sneak over to their friends once they showed up.
Friend B was part of the first lunch wave, and the rest of us, except for my best friend who was also part of the first wave, were part of the second lunch wave. Instead of sitting with the rest of my friends for the entire lunch, I decided to spend the first half sitting with friend B (and my best friend, who was the only other friend who still sat with her) and then go to my other friends once they left. I was content with that, but then one day friend A asked me why I was still hanging out and sitting with friend B. Also, he asked it in a way that made it seem like he thought it was odd that I was doing that. I just glared at him and told him it was because she was my friend, and he backed down pretty quickly from that line of questioning. However, after hearing that question I realized that if he tried to make me choose between him and her then I would definitely choose her side even if it meant that he might turn our other friends against me too. Friend B was the one getting the short end of the stick, and yet she never once tried to make me choose between her and my other friends, so that was very telling to me. Also, I remember talking about it to my best friend after and her agreeing that she'd side with friend B too if she had to. Luckily, it never came to that and my friends eventually resolved their differences though.
Posted in The Mad Hat-Tea Store [Closed for Now]
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in The Mad Hat-Tea Store [Closed for Now]
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago
Posted in Bumping and stuff
Posted 5 years ago