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Posted in September '21 Crate Feedback Thread Posted 3 years ago

I'm not sure if it's an item I'd use a lot personally, but it seems fine. I notice that two of the color schemes are the same as two of the color schemes from the Raver item, which has a similar theme, so that's nice. They'll probably pair well together.

Counting Sheep
This item is super cute! I feel like you could make a lot of fun sleeping avis with the bed pose. The sheep are cute as well. They'd be good for a farmer, shepherd, shepherdess, or Little Bo-Peep theme.

Drip Drop Fairy
Did I double the number of stars by accident? No. This is what it deserves. It's my top priority quest item now. I suggested a rainy item a while back, and we finally got one! And not only that, but the other poses are great as well! I've always loved mushroom items, and the large leaf umbrella reminds me of Totoro and Animal Crossing. The ground pose with the puddles of water is really pretty as well. The color schemes all seem nice, although the one with the green leaf is my favorite. A purple mushroom is definitely good to have, and the white mushroom looks cool as well from what I can see of it. It reminds me of those bleeding mushrooms. Once I find a seller for this item I'll probably be using it a lot! 10/10 stars

Sacred Shrine Guard
I don't have this item yet, but the color schemes, poses, and theme all seem well put-together!

Posted in EVENT ACTIVITY: Peachy Picnic Posted 3 years ago

Ah, that's good to know! In that case, I have found all the peaches!

Posted in EVENT ACTIVITY: Peachy Picnic Posted 3 years ago

I found the 12 golden ones, but I'm having trouble finding the last two normal ones :viodead:

Posted in Starlight's Quest Posted 3 years ago

Updated! Drip Drop Fairy is now my main quest item! I suggested a rain item a while back, and now we finally got one!

@Rei Ann: Thank you as well!

@Rei Ann: Yes, they're still available! I'll send a trade~

Back to the first page!

@ChiffonOrange: I don't have anything to buy or sell, but I wanted to mention that your offer for the Counting Sheep seems a bit high. The non-rare crate items usually go for about 5k each. There are a few for sale here for 4K each for example. I wouldn't want you to overpay

Posted in The Surge: September Crates! Posted 3 years ago

They look great! The Drip Drop Fairy in particular is right up my alley~

Posted in [s] January Items Posted 3 years ago

@Spider: I'd like to buy a Counting Sheep!

Posted in I've gone all antisocial again. Let's chat Posted 3 years ago

Hello! I'd say I've gone antisocial again too, but that would imply I stopped being antisocial at some point...

Posted in Returned after a few years Posted 4 years ago

Welcome back!

Posted in Things Found in the Garden A-Z Posted 4 years ago


Posted in Things Found in the Garden A-Z Posted 4 years ago
