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Posted in Actually reading Posted 5 years ago
From what I recall, I liked the first book a lot, liked the second and third books, and didn't like the last book as much. The last one was kind of weird to me.

Posted in New blood spill on isle 6 Posted 5 years ago
Welcome to Voltra~

Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 5 years ago

Posted in What was the last movie you saw? Posted 5 years ago
I went to see Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker today. I liked it~

Posted in Profile Storage Posted 5 years ago
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Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Bumping and stuff Posted 5 years ago