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@vengeance: lol you are me

@Lithium: it is terrible x.x and ohhh I just had breakfast

@Damia Flagg: oh dear D: welp...

@Damia Flagg: oh nooo D: gotta make him some soup and stuff

@Lithium: pretty okay. Doing physics home work o-o you?

@Damia Flagg: yeah u.u but still

@Damia Flagg: ahhh don't do that D":
@Lithium: hellooo

@Damia Flagg: why you do thaT?

@Paranoia: true. let's get rich para!

@Paranoia: exactly u.u stressed and rich

@Paranoia: min is always stressed

@Paranoia: yeah x.x its literally the worst. I need to start a successful business.

@Paranoia: haha yeah too bad every job has terrible pay basically

@Paranoia: I mean if I had that pay here I'd be fine

@Paranoia: orz I can't...but you also have hella expensive living

@vengeance: see I get paid 10.58 for weekends and 9.54 for weekdays o-o