The Youngest Granny's posts
Posted in JUMP [Open for anyone to JUMP in at any point!]
Posted 5 years ago

Saul was starting to sweat rather profusely from the overbearing heat and glanced up. He did a double-take at the sight of three suns. "Sacre bleu, one sun's demon heatwaves are enough." He muttered and wiped the sweat off of his brow.
"Who's to say I am not in hell now," He murmured shooting a look around at the oddly colored bodies, and the strange-looking people. Some of them had strange appendages or multiple eyes. Wait..that one had eyes on stalks. He couldn't help but shudder at the otherworldly strangeness around him. It was more than likely he was going to be stuck here for a while..and so far he was the only one that looked out of place in the hodgepodge world.
Saul's ears perked up at the sound of a feminine voice speaking English and he started looking around for the source. It took him a few seconds before he zeroed in on the woman and man standing under the shade of some trees just outside of the marketplace. It seemed strange that there would be two humans amidst the population of alien beings...unless they too were travelers.
Saul had encountered one other traveler before..but that had been ages ago. He reached up to undo the collar of his shirt as he approached the exquisite red head and the striking male specimen. Though they were still quite a distance from him, he could easily pick up on their words.
He couldn't help but shoot a grin at the woman when he noticed she was watching him. She looked far more comfortable in the loose fitting pants and top she was wearing. Though..the guy looked like he was going to pass out at any moment with all the layers he was wearing.
When Saul heard the other male's panicking tone he realized that this must be the man's first time as a traveler. He let out a sigh. It seemed like the best course of action would be to distract or shock the man out of his panicked state. The poor man would more than likely be worse off if Saul let him coontinue to suffer from his anxiety.
"Relax mate, ye don't need to freak out. It just takes a bit to get used to," Saul assured the man as he came to a stop in front of the man and grabbed the other's jacket collar and pulled him closer so they were face to face. "Ye are not asleep, and I shall prove it,"
Before the man could fight him off or object, Saul leaned in and kissed the man deeply on the lips. He hadn't really needed to be so forceful, but Saul wasn't the type to take things slow. He had imagined the man's lips would taste amazing and he was right. He let out a soft moan as he pulled away and released the other's shirt as he moved back and turned to look at the woman curiously.
"I'm Saul. What's your name beautiful?" He asked with a charming smile. Though he had heard her say it, he wasn't the type to just give away that he was more than human to strangers. He knew better than that. Most had trouble wrapping their minds around it..and he wasn't sure if he could trust either of these two just yet.

Posted in Those Who Matter
Posted 5 years ago
@Vontell: WHy thank you! It's kind of an inside joke with my friends. lol.

Posted in JUMP [Open for anyone to JUMP in at any point!]
Posted 5 years ago

The man's eyes glittered slightly, as he focused them on the unsuspecting socialite blonde that was merrily chattering away on his arm. He was more than ready to stop her babbling chatter after having endured it for the past several hours. What was it with women that could prattle about everything and nothing at the same time?
The french vampire pirate was not the most patient, even though he'd lived far longer than most..even after the phenomenon of uncontrolled time travel had begun. He'd been fortunate enough to have an ear for different languages and to usually be able to pick them up within a few days of being dropped in each new place.
He glanced around the garden where he had taken the young debutant to walk. The young woman's chaperone had paused to speak with another man, her face flushing slightly as she was engaged in conversation. He couldn't help but smirk. Finally! The older woman was distracted and he could make his move!
It didn't take much convincing on his part to get the young blonde to follow him to a more private area in the garden, out of sight from anyone else.
Saul clasped his hands around the woman's waist a bit more as he moved to press her up against the brick wall out of sight of her chaperone. He whispered in his charming french accent how he desired her and wanted her, making the woman blush profusely. Saul traced kisses down her neck, very much enjoying the soft moans and the steadily rising heartbeat. Saul licked over her neck and let his fangs drop as he moved in closer to her.
He barely scraped his teeth over her carotid artery and her fine porcelain skin when he felt the telltale numbness starting to sweep over him. Holding back his curses, Saul sank his teeth into her neck and swallowed down a mouthful of blood. He managed to lick over the small holes in her neck, the saliva making them close up after a few seconds. "Adieu mademoiselle, I must go," He murmured and used his glammer ability to wipe her thoughts before disappearing out of sight, using his quick speed to retreat from the very public garden.
He shuddered as his body was wracked by the unseen forces that propelled him from one plane to the next. The pain was far more excruciating than anything he'd ever gone through in his short life as a human, as the fabric of time around him shifted and folded around him. The sensation of falling, drowning and being split apart hit him all at once, causing him to black out momentarily.
Saul came to, cursing in the middle of a dusty, noisy marketplace. He stood up and wiped the dirt off his once pristine shirt and scowled. The voices around him were unfamiliar and strange, far different than any language he'd ever heard before. He glanced around, frowning even more when he realized that this plane was unlike any he'd encountered..and almost alien.
Cursing in French, he made his way through the market, swaggering proudly like the pirate he was. His eyebrows rose as he took in the strange clothes, wares and foods that were being sold. Just where the hell had he ended up?

Posted in Sketti's Bribe Art Shop [hiatus]
Posted 6 years ago

@skettiyeti: that would be great. I just need to remember to get on here more often.

Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize!
Posted 6 years ago

Looks like you need more active people in here.
I have church starting soon or I would stick around.

Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize!
Posted 6 years ago

Oh boy! A page prize!

Posted in Octology's Bribe Shop!
Posted 6 years ago

@octology: That is true. lol. I would need like a billion volts though.
I have LOADS of ocs. Like over 500 now.

Posted in Octology's Bribe Shop!
Posted 6 years ago

@octology: :3 I have so many OCS to pick from, it would take me a while to decide. lol.

Posted in The standard every event thread: "Post your event currency total"
Posted 6 years ago

166 Lavender 173 Roses
But I just started..soo..more posting!

Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!!
Posted 6 years ago

Hello there Movie Addict!
Not much. I should be writing stuff..but I"m chatting instead. >>

Posted in Octological Location
Posted 6 years ago

@octology: I guess I"ll make a nest in here too.

Posted in Octology's Bribe Shop!
Posted 6 years ago

@octology: Meanwhile I can keep you company in here. :3

Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!!
Posted 6 years ago

@vengeance: There are days though when I just want to do nothing. lol. I like my lazy days.

Posted in Matcha's Gacha! RESTOCKED!!
Posted 6 years ago

@star2000shadow: Nice! I like the flower gifs! I need to find some sort of cute fox gif for my new format. My avatar is a cosplay of my kitsune character Moriko.